[net.tv] Opinions in News

lauren@vortex.UUCP (Lauren Weinstein) (11/13/83)

Since we now *are* beginning to move into touchy subjects, perhaps
a move of the discussion to net.flame would be in order.

There are several issues to cover:

1) The general problems of Europe and newsgroups.
   (Capsule comment: the entire U.S. shouldn't be penalized due
    to high transatlantic phone costs.  Screening of messages would
    appear to be the easiest solution.  Commercial satellite systems
    for oceanic hops are possible, but still rather expensive, and
    bring up the issues of the restrictive European dataflow laws.

    Ham-based systems are possible, but a considerable amount of
    Usenet traffic could be considered to be commercial or otherwise
    outside the realm of legal ham operations.  Screening would
    be necessary.

    Proper group selection for messages is important.  However, since
    I am firmly convinced that my group selection for my original
    messages was correct (and would post to the same groups again)
    it is obvious that there are more complex issues here.)

2)  Opinions in the News (and "Overnight")
    (Capsule comment: there's nothing wrong with opinions in the news,
     as long as you know where they are!  Virtually all news is
     "quietly" biased.  At least "Overnight's" segment "comments"
     are obviously delineated as the personal opinions of the speaker,
     and are not themselves invisibly embedded within the news items.
     As for balance, what other show would run neutral scenes
     of the Grenada invasion using *both* patriotic music *and*
     Lehrer's "Send the Marines" as backround?  I for one enjoy
     a program where people aren't afraid to tell their opinions
     instead of the usual mindless, middle-of-the-road garbage that
     spews forth from most news-oriented programs.

     You aren't required to *agree* with everything they say!)

3)   Lauren is a he, not a she.  Making assumptions based on names
     can be risky.  

If anyone wants to continue this discussion over on net.flame, I'll
see you over there...


laura@utcsstat.UUCP (Laura Creighton) (11/15/83)

I can fix Lauren's problem with NBC overnight. We need a USA or a NA
distribution group.

Laura Creighton