mort@ihuxn.UUCP (Having trouble.) (11/27/83)
Does anyone out there remember the old TV show HR Pufnstuff, which went off the air in about, maybe, 1975 (in Chicago). It was a kids show about some boy who took a sailboat across an ocean to some distant land of fantasy, where there were Walking Trees who (which?) were in league with an evil Queen. There was a magic talking flute that helped the boy, and the Queen had a castle. At the end of the show the boy was shown returning home (I guess it was home) I was fairly young at the time the show was aired and I'm interested just for nostalgia's sake at any information about the show, as I watched it every day. I haven't seen or heard of it since, but some friends vaguely remember it. Jonathan Dubman -- Mort Dubman AT&T Bell Laboratories ihnp4!ihuxn!mort Naperville, IL.
twt@uicsl.UUCP (11/28/83)
#R:ihuxn:-42600:uicsl:12200034:000:1156 uicsl!twt Nov 27 10:00:00 1983 Gosh, I haven't thought of H.R. Puffenstuff in YEARS! I use to watch it all the time because when in was on I had a crush on Jack Wild (no accounting for taste) of Oliver (Artful Dodger) fame. Once upon a summertime Just a dream from yesterday A boy and his magic golden flute Heard a boat from off the Bay Come and play with me Jimmy Come and play with me And I will take you on a trip Far across the sea. But the boat belonged to a (something) old witch (maybe Kooky) Who had in mind The Flute to (snatch(?)) (Snitch) And from hew Vroom Broom in the sky She saw her plan materialize She waved her wand The beautiful boat was gone (Something something something something) But Puffenstuff was watching too and knew exactly what to do He saw the witches boat attack and as the boy was fighting back He called his rescue racer crew was off and they'd rehearsed(?) And off to save the boy they flew (spoken) But who would get there first That's all I can remember, but that's pretty good for what's probably 10+ years. Especially for someone who can't remember what to pick up at the store half the time. Mary Hope this is some help
wombat@uicsl.UUCP (11/28/83)
#R:ihuxn:-42600:uicsl:12200035:000:332 uicsl!wombat Nov 27 16:39:00 1983 Somewhere in there is: H.R. Puffenstuff, who's (he's?) your friend when things get rough H.R. Puffenstuff, can't do a little 'cause he can't do enough And that's the only thing I remember about the whole show, except that we used to watch it (near Springfield, IL) when we were kids. Wombat ihnp4!uiucdcs!uicsl!wombat
franka@tekcad.UUCP (11/29/83)
#R:ihuxn:-42600:tekcad:5300004:000:685 tekcad!franka Nov 29 10:51:00 1983 Speaking of old children's TV shows, does anyone remember that wonderful series, "Land of the Lost", with all of those great special effects? I had a LotL lunchbox that I carried cords for my guitar and amp in whenever my band played. It was really great! Had a picture of a dinosaur on the front and everything. One day somebody ripped it off. Playing at clubs and high schools sort of went downhill after that. If anybody has a replacement LotL lunchbox they would be willing to sell to me, get in touch with me. From the truly menacing, /- -\ but usually underestimated, <-> Frank Adrian (tektronix!tekcad!franka)
rossen@uiuccsb.UUCP (12/01/83)
#R:ihuxn:-42600:uiuccsb:12300026:000:970 uiuccsb!rossen Nov 30 14:17:00 1983 Well, I'm particularly impressed with Mary's recall of the theme song. I used to watch that show, too. I think it was at the tail end of when I used to watch TV ALL Saturday. It was a Sid and Marty Krofft show -- they did lots of those puppet-type things, including the later (?) "Lidsville" with Butch "Eddie Munster" Patrick and Charles Nelson Reilly (as the villainous Whoudini). A couple of addenda and corrections: 1) The name (I'm pretty sure) was spelled "H. R. Pufnstuf." 2) In the theme song, it's "...kooky old witch," "flute to snitch," and "as often they'd rehearsed." The portion of the theme in the second response was the chorus; it came after the first part. 3) The witch's name was Witchiepoo. Billie Hayes (who was actually real young and pretty) played her, and played a subsequent good character on the later (!) "Lidsville." Isn't reminiscing fun? Ken in Champaign (...uiucdcs!rossen)
bane@umcp-cs.UUCP (12/05/83)
What about 'Land of the Giants'? I always liked that one. "i'm not me" - rene -- "Peoles have feeelings, too" Arpa: rene.umcp-cs@CSNet-relay Uucp:...{allegra,seismo}!umcp-cs!rene
rigney@uokvax.UUCP (12/12/83)
#R:ihuxn:-42600:uokvax:6000005:000:613 uokvax!rigney Dec 10 15:02:00 1983 Speaking (netting?) of the glories of Saturday-morning TV, does anyone out there remember the Herculoids? What Smurf or Qbert could possibly match Igoo, Tundro, Zok the laser- ray dragon, and of course Gloop and Gleep the formless, fearless wonders? There were also 3 humans; I guess someone had to point Tundro in the right direction. Another favorite was Jonny Quest. Anyone else have fond memories of the days before Saturday morning was filled with Toys and Video game clones? Yearning for less sugar and more violence, Carl ..!ctvax!uokvax!rigney
gds@mit-eddie.UUCP (Greg Skinner) (12/14/83)
When I was coming up, cartoons were cartoons! As I see it, cartoons started on the decline when space shows like "Force Five" and "Battle of the Planets" appeared on the scene. Those weren't so bad but they lacked the humor/adventure of Scooby-Doo, Fat Albert etc. Then came "Smurfs", and then things went down the drain from there. Nowadays all I see on the tube Saturday mornings are video game characters. I might as well be playing Pac-Man on my tv. Give me Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner any day. --greg ...decvax!genrad!mit-eddie!gds