[net.tv] hint: finding nearby transmitters

parnass@ihuxf.UUCP (Robert S. Parnass, AJ9S) (01/17/84)

		   Hint	for Finding Nearby Transmitters

       There's	been  discussion  about	 neighborhood  transmitters
       interfering  with  TV's	and stereo equipment.  Here's a	tip
       for finding a radio transmitter operating close by:

	    Connect a frequency	counter1 to an outside antenna!

       One  of	my  scanners  was  being  overloaded  by  a  nearby
       transmitter.  I didn't know anything about the type or loca-
       tion of this transmitter, but was determined to find out.

       By connecting my	520 MHz	frequency counter to an	 outdoor  2
       meter  antenna,	I  was able to determine the station's fre-
       quency.	The strong signals were	coming from  another  radio
       amateur	that  was  operating his own 147 MHz repeater in an
       apartment about 500 feet	away from me!

       His signal was so strong, that my counter indicated a stable
       frequency  reading  with	a 19" wire antenna plugged directly
       into the	counter!


	1. Insensitive frequency counters may require the use of a
	   broadband preamplifier between the counter input and	the

Robert S. Parnass, AT&T Bell Laboratories, ihnp4!ihuxf!parnass (312)979-5760