eadler@aecom.UUCP (03/11/84)
. After reading a review of the N. Kinski interview with David Letterman, I remembered having seen this. If I remember correctly (which I often don't), she looked rather ridiculous. Pretty often, Dave finds himself in an uncomfortable position, as he did here, and that is when he really gets interesting. But, that is not what I am here to prove... Upon viewing herself in the monitor, Ms. Kinski remarked that she did look pretty bad after all. John Candy, I felt, was the icing on the cake. I am someone who loves David Letterman... after years of watching "The Great Carson," I think it is great the way Dave really works for the laugh... he doesn't just give a little strange look, and TRUE, his jokes sometimes are very (yes very) stupid, but th}iat is the whole beauty of the show. Who wants to watch sane television at 12:30AM anyway? Yeah, I love the show, you guessed it. You may ask, what brought all this on? And I answer, "Go ask someone else." Pardon my glitches, the modem did it. Pardon my English, lack of sleep did that. -- "I stands about all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!" Elliott Adler {cucard,philabs,esquire,pegasus}!aecom!elliott