[net.tv] AMC Update for Monday April 23rd

alle@ihuxb.UUCP (Allen England) (04/24/84)


All My Children - April 23rd

[Due to operator errors (i.e. I blew it!), my recorder
after recording Dr. Who Sunday night, didn't record the soaps on Monday.
Hence, no RH summary and the AMC summary is provided courtesy of Margo.]

Jesse got the job with WRCW.  He had explained the situation to Jenny
and she rehired Karen.  She seemed a bit surprised that Angie hadn`t 
mentioned Karen's uncle to her.  Zach was helping at the Wallingford`s
dinner party and when Marian saw him she dropped her drink.  Marian was
one of Zach`s customers when he was a prostitute.  Phoebe invited Dottie
to dinner also - meanwhile Greg was telling Alfred he needed to be more
spontaneous so he dropped by and was also invited to dinner.  Tad wanted
the 4 of them to go to the steampit but Hilary said she was too tired and
didn`t want to go.  Marian developed a headache and asked Chuck to drive
her home. 

--> Allen <--