[net.tv] Ryan's Hope - Thu May 3

alle@ihuxb.UUCP (Allen England) (05/04/84)

Ryan's Hope Thursday May 3

Roger is talking to Pat and Seneca.  He is putting down Maggie.  Seneca tells
him she has a winning smile.  Roger, "Lucretia Borgia and Typhoid Mary had
winning smiles."  Seneca tells him that donations are up 30% because of
Maggie and that he had better stop bad-mouthing her in public.  He also tells
him to find Jacqueline's OB fast.

Frank talks to Bob about his meeting with Max.  He tells him that he refused
to be drawn into Max' schemes.  He says, "But he keeps you in office furniture
, right?"  Bob replies angrily that he has other clients.  Frank, "Who besides
DuBujak do you work for?  The Feds?"

Sydney and Jack stop by the deli to talk to Siobhan about the story on
runaways.  By the strangest coincidence, Pru and Sydney manage not to meet

Family dinner night at the Ryans.  Pru is invited.  Bob and Bess show up.
Frank is there, but Jill is working late at the office.  Siobhan and
Pat are also there.  More happiness at the Ryans...

--> Allen <--