[net.tv] Invasion of the Space Nazis, the final battle water

ks@astrovax.UUCP (Karl Stapelfeldt) (05/10/84)

     I haven't seen more than 2 minutes of "V"; the discussion on the net says
that "they" are here to steal our water.  This really does seem to be ludicrous
to me; the satellites of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus) are made up
largely of ice.  Any civilization needing water could simply melt Callisto
(Jupiter's outermost Galilean moon) and have thousands of times the water
available in the Earth's oceans.  If this is really the premise for "V", then
I'm glad I missed it.

kenv@dartvax.UUCP (Ken Varnum) (05/10/84)

  If the Visitors were advanced enough to build interplanetary
spacecraft,  they ought to be able to synthesize water out of
hydrogen and oxygen.  (shouldn't they?)

Ken Varnum

ps-  What happened to the other 49 mothercrafts????

bsw@cbosgd.UUCP (Ben Walls) (05/12/84)

	And If the "Visitors" were just meanies who enjoy destroying inhabated
	worlds, etc. then why didn't they just take the polar ice caps, which
	would take less room, if they kept it around 32 degrees F. Plus, they
	also  needed humes for food (Here mousie!...)

		Ben Walls

gds@mit-eddie.UUCP (Greg Skinner) (05/13/84)

	And If the "Visitors" were just meanies who enjoy destroying inhabated
	worlds, etc. then why didn't they just take the polar ice caps, which
	would take less room, if they kept it around 32 degrees F. Plus, they
	also  needed humes for food (Here mousie!...)

The Earthlings wouldn't have let them take the polar ice caps either,
because lack of them would cause an imbalance in Earth's climate,
resulting in worldwide modified weather patterns, dropping of the ocean
levels, etc...
					Be ye moby,
					for I am moby.

Greg Skinner (gregbo)
{decvax!genrad, eagle!mit-vax, ihnp4}!mit-eddie!gds

Joy is in the ears that hear.