trb@drutx.UUCP (BuckleyTR) (06/17/84)


                       for June 18, 1984



       Well, it's official!  Michael Jackson, Slim Whitman, and
       Julio Iglacias are teaming up for a country & western song
       to be released next month. Quincy Jones will produce the
       record, and Casey Casem will be the first to play it
       (probably a long-distance dedication).  Andy Warhol will
       direct the video, which will star Andy's old favorites, Edie
       Sedgwick and Viva.  NBC's "Friday Night Videos" will play it
       consecutively, non-stop, for 90 minutes.

       Later this fall, Michael will be starring in "Rhinestone II," 
       the sequel to that oh-so-funny "Rhinestone," starring Dolly
       Parton and Sly Stallone.  Michael felt there needed to be a
       "gender balance," someone in the middle to balance out
       "big-boobs and Joe Steroid," as he put it.

       Promoter Don King, who's brainchild was the Jacksons
       reuniting for the upcoming summer tour, has decided to make
       it a REAL star-studded event.  He has now reunited the
       Osmonds and the Partridge Family, and they will join the
       Jacksons on the tour.  Tickets will now cost $60.00 ea,
       instead of the original $30.00, but Mr. King believes it's
       worth it for the caliber of stars.  The highlight of the
       concert will be, of course, the medley of hits by Michael
       Jackson, Donny Osmond, and David Cassidy.  Several concert
       sites have been added, including Hastings, Nebraska,
       Pocatello, Idaho, and Bear Creek, South Dakota.  MTV will be
       offering a "Lost Weekend with the Osmond of your choice," a
       followup to the immensely popular weekend with Van Halen.


       Johnny Carson has admitted that he did purchase drugs from
       John Z. DeLorean to help him overcome the death of his
       friend and sidekick, Ed MacMahon.  Fred DeCordova, producer
       of "The Tonight Show," revealed that Ed has been dead for
       "some time" and his body has been propped up in the chair
       every night with tape recordings of his boisterous laughing
       played at random intervals.

       According to Mr. DeCordova, "Everything was fine until Jerry
       Lewis, who was a guest on last Friday's show, tapped Ed on
       the shoulder, knocking him to the floor. That wouldn't
       have been so bad except that Pat Boone then refused to come
       on and sing his song.  That caused a near riot in the

       We understand Mr. Lewis has promised to raise money for Ed's
       mammoth taxidermy bill on his next Telethon.

       Who will be Ed's replacement?  Rumor among the TS band
       members is that Johnny has narrowed it to either Derwood
       Kirby or John Cameron Schawse.

           **        **        **        **        **        **

       That's all for this week.  Next week we'll have an exclusive
       report from the set of "Entertainment Tonight," where Dixie
       Whatley just underwent plastic surgery to move her eyes
       closer to the middle of her face by several inches.  BE