[net.tv] UFO answer

m1b@rayssd.UUCP (10/18/84)

>  Let's see if I can remember...
> The most important element seemed to be the robot detection satellite with
> the British accent that hung out in earth orbit.  The warning was picked up
> by the moon base which sent out exactly two ships.  These ships (carrying only
> one Sidewinder apiece) would invariably fail, so they would have to launch their
> earthbound defenses, which I believe were based underwater.  The question
> remains: what was the name of the head of this secret anti-UFO organization?
> (As Ed Koch would say) How'm I doin'?
>					-- Mark
>					...uw-beaver!ssc-vax!adolph

	A few corrections about the above answer:

	There were exactly three interceptors which always hit if there
were more than three alien ships (in one episode, there was a veritable
armada hanging around Pluto, the normal way any self-respecting alien
race should invade Earth!); usually miss if there was only one; and
the first two would miss and the last would hit if everything depended on
that last shot!

	The name of the organization was SHADO which Mark Modig
(..ihnp4!btlunix!mom) answered in an earlier posting.  The next
question for the panel of experts is what did SHADO stand for?
Also, was it ever determined if the aliens were 'converted' natives
of Earth or did they just use us for spare parts?

Joe Barone,		{allegra, decvax!brunix, ccieng5}!rayssd!m1b
Raytheon Co,		 Submarine Signal Div., Portsmouth, RI

emjej@uokvax.UUCP (11/01/84)

/***** uokvax:net.tv / rayssd!marno / 12:36 am  Oct 23, 1984 */
	The name of the organization was SHADO which Mark Modig
(..ihnp4!btlunix!mom) answered in an earlier posting.  The next
question for the panel of experts is what did SHADO stand for?
/* ---------- */

Wasn't it "Supreme Headquarters, Alien Defense Organization?"

					James Jones