[net.tv] Big Screen Tv's

dmm@ihuxj.UUCP (Denise McAuliff) (11/02/84)

i am looking for information on big screen tv's.  i would
like to hear from people who currently own or have owned one.
please send mail to me, and if i get enough responses, i will
post a summary to the net.

	denise mcauliff
	EMACS version 4.7e Date: Sun Oct 21 10:10:03 CDT 1984

^@:	sets the mark at the cursor position
^A:	moves to the beginning of the line
^B:	moves back one character
^C:	capitalizes the current character
^D:	deletes forward one character
^E:	moves to the end of the line
^F:	moves forward one character
^G:	quits from any command in progress
^H:	deletes backward one character
^I:	inserts a tab
^J:	opens a new line and moves to the beginning of it if the
	next line is non-empty, otherwise down one line
^K:	Kills to end of line (with argument, kills multiple lines)
^L:	refreshes the screen
^M:	opens a new line and moves to the beginning of it if the
	next line is non-empty, otherwise down one line
^N:	moves down one line
^O:	opens up a new line
^P:	moves up one line
^Q:	quotes the next character
^R:	starts a reverse search
^S:	starts a search
^T:	transposes the next two characters
^U:	multiplies the argument by 4
^V:	moves to the next page
^W:	kills the current region (between cursor and mark)
^X:	is a prefix for more single character commands,
	type character or '*' for all
^Y:	restores last killed text
	(leaves cursor and mark around it)
^Z:	exits one level
^[:	Makes the next character a meta character
^]:	makes a local variable of a macro invocation the argument to the
	next command
^^:	Causes the last returned result to become the argument
^?:	deletes backward one character
M-^C:	capitalizes entered letters until end of word [MACRO]
M-^E:	executes current line in shell command file [MACRO]
M-^H:	deletes the last word
M-^L:	Re-displays with current line at top of page
M-^M:	Mails the current buffer
M-^P:	puts (arg) lines onto the kill stack [MACRO]
M-^Q:	Returns the next input character (in a macro)
M-^R:	Regular expression query replace
M-^S:	Regular expression search
M-^X:	Executes argument 0 as a character command.
M-^]:	Assigns the result of the next command to a macro local variable
M- :	sets the mark at the cursor position
M-!:	gets and executes a shell command
M-":	Auto Fills the whole buffer
M-$:	Executes a command, saving the output in buffer .exec
M-':	signs name to message with $HOME/.signature file [MACRO]
M-/:	starts a comment
M-::	Maps a character to a command
M-<:	moves to top of file
M->:	moves to bottom of file
M-?:	explains the next character
M-@:	inserts C lang. templates & executes command abbrevs. [MACRO]
M-C:	displays current command in shell command file [MACRO]
M-E:	edits the shell command file [MACRO]
M-F:	shifts marked area right (no arg) or left (arg != 1) [MACRO]
M-I:	inserts output of a shell command into current buffer [MACRO]
M-M:	runs the mail processing subsystem [MACRO]
M-N:	displays (arg) next command in shell command file [MACRO]
M-O:	copies the current file to file.old [MACRO]
M-P:	displays (arg) next command in shell command file [MACRO]
M-S:	runs the spell command on the current buffer [MACRO]
M-T:	transpose next two words [MACRO]
M-X:	calls an interactive C symbol cross-referencer [MACRO]
M-\:	Converts its argument to a character and inserts it
M-^:	d_caret find and delete the next caret [MACRO]
M-_:	Underlines the next word
M-a:	Moves to beginning of sentence
M-b:	moves back one word
M-c:	capitalizes the next word
M-d:	deletes the next word
M-e:	Moves to End of Sentence
M-f:	moves forward one word
M-g:	Moves to a specific line (its argument)
M-i:	returns to insert mode [MACRO]
M-k:	kills (arg) lines [MACRO]
M-l:	Converts the next letter to lower case
M-m:	Displays active modes
M-o:	sets overwrite mode [MACRO]
M-p:	Puts the current region in the kill buffer without killing it
M-q:	Quotes the next character and adds the 0200 bit
M-r:	starts query replace
M-s:	Gives EMACS statistics
M-t:	Prompts for terminal type
M-v:	moves back one page
M-w:	Puts a wall chart of explanations in the buffer
M-x:	Calls a macro by name
M-y:	Replaces the last restore() with the next text in
	the kill stack.
M-z:	kills emacs with a core dump (for debugging)
M-{:	Enters a command sequence (in a macro)
M-}:	Exits a command sequence (in a macro)
M-~:	Marks a buffer as being unmodified (up to date)
M-^?:	deletes the last word

Control-X commands:

^X^A:	Accesses the argument list to emacs
^X^B:	Changes Buffers (Change to * lists active buffers)
^X^C:	exits gracefully
	(after asking whether or not to save the buffer)
^X^D:	Changes the working directory
^X^E:	Calls emacs recursively taking input from the terminal
^X^F:	Edits a file in its own buffer
	(if file has been read into a buffer, moves to it)
^X^I:	Re-directs input from a file
^X^K:	Kills a buffer
^X^L:	Loads a file full of macro definitions
^X^M:	Sets mode from argument (prompts for mode name)
	and string if necessary
^X^N:	Changes the buffer or file name
^X^O:	Switches between windows
^X^Q:	Returns the character under the cursor (in a macro)
^X^R:	reads a new file
^X^S:	saves the buffer in the current file (if modified)
^X^T:	Prompts for a buffer name and inserts the text between the
	cursor and the mark into the named buffer.
^X^U:	Updates the display and delays for a specified time
^X^V:	Puts the current version on the kill stack.
^X^W:	writes a new or old file
^X^X:	exchanges the mark and the cursor
^X^^:	Causes the current window to grow one by line
^X^_:	emacsterm mouse pointing [MACRO]
^X!:	Begins a case statement (in a macro)
^X#:	Begins a case statement (in a macro)
^X%:	Exchanges the top of the kill stack with another item
^X&:	Compares two strings
^X(:	Starts a keyboard macro
^X):	Ends a keyboard macro
^X+:	Causes the next entry to the kill stack to append to the previous entry
^X-:	Pops the kill stack
^X1:	Exits two window mode
^X2:	Enters two window mode
^X<:	Pushes a string from the tty or macro text into the kill stack
^X=:	Gives statistics about the buffer
^X>:	Duplicates an item on the kill stack
^X@:	Prompts the user with a string from the kill stack and returns the result.
^XB:	Puts the buffer name into the kill stack
^XD:	displays a directory [MACRO]
^XE:	Executes the keyboard macro
^XF:	Puts the file name into the stack
^XG:	graphics (draw) [MACRO]
^XT:	Traces the next command.
^X^:	Enters a "while" loop (in a macro)
^Xb:	box -- draw a box between cursor and mark [MACRO]
^Xd:	Defines macros from the current buffer
^Xg:	Moves to a screen position (arg=128*y+x);
^Xk:	Sets the encryption key for file reading and writing
^Xo:	changes to the other window in same buffer [MACRO]
^Xs:	escapes to the shell (enter ^D to exit) [MACRO]
^X|:	Begins a conditional execution sequence (in a macro)
^X~:	Performs arithmetic or logical operations (in a macro)
