[net.tv] Lacey pregnant?

moiram@tektronix.UUCP (Moira Mallison ) (11/21/84)

Has anyone else noticed that Tyne Daly is looking more pregnant every
week.  I hadn't paid a lot of attention to her clothing, but she seems
to be less tailored than usual.  In a couple of shots this week, she
look decidedly pregnant.  What will this mean to the show?

Moira Mallison

raghu@rlgvax.UUCP (Raghu Raghunathan) (11/22/84)

> Has anyone else noticed that Tyne Daly is looking more pregnant every
> week.  I hadn't paid a lot of attention to her clothing, but she seems
> to be less tailored than usual.  In a couple of shots this week, she
> look decidedly pregnant.  What will this mean to the show?
	Yes, I have noticed that too. I used to watch the show fairly
	regularly but have since stopped watching it. I think she looks
	absurd playing a fast-moving detective in maternity clothing.
	I hope they replace her and find a temporary partner for Cagney
	so the show can go on till she has had her baby.

	Frankly, I don't know why they didn't make her pregnancy part of
	the show (since she is portrayed as a family-loving mother). That
	way her temporary absence from the force could come as a natural
	consequence of her part in the show.