[net.chess] More Definitions

leblanc@rochester.UUCP (Tom LeBlanc) (01/11/84)

From: Tom LeBlanc  <leblanc>
Having enjoyed the list of chess definitions previously posted on the net,
I decided to submit our local version.  (We play speed chess, 5 min per
player, with the rule that if a player hits the clock while in check, you
may take his king. Also, if both flags fall before anyone notices, the
game is drawn.  If the position is theoretically drawn, the game may con-
tinue to see who's flag falls first.)


King's Gambit: An opening in which black loses (morally or legally).

Pawn Pusher: Your opponent.

Check: A warning to your opponent that you won't forget to take his
King this time.

Nothing: What your opponent had when he won.

Speed chess: A variant of chess that allows an incompetent fool to
beat you regularly.

Moral Victory: Lost game.

Draw: A game between two people too stupid to look at the clock.

Forced Draw: 30 moves in 3 seconds.

End Game: King vs. King with 10 seconds on each clock.

Minor Brilliancy: The move following your opponent's blunder.

Brilliancy: A game in which you are in a hopelessly lost position,
and your opponent's flag falls.

Time!: What you shout just before your opponent checkmates you.

Strategy: Moving the piece closest to your clock.

Brilliant Strategy: Knocking your opponent's King off the board and
then hitting his clock.

Tom LeBlanc
(seismo!) rochester!leblanc