[net.tv] As long as we're discussing old cartoons...

john@moncol.UUCP (John Ruschmeyer) (02/26/85)

I vaguely remember gettin up early on Saturday mornings to watch a B&W
SF-oriented cartoon about a character billed as "The Kid from Outer Space".

About all I recall is that he lived with some scientist on Zero-Zero
island. This was a domed-over island located off the coast of Africa at 0
degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude.

I vaguely seem to recall that the kid's name was something like Dodo.

Any info is appreciated, though not monetarily.

Name:		John Ruschmeyer
US Mail:	Monmouth College, W. Long Branch, NJ 07764
Phone:		(201) 222-6600 x366
UUCP:		...!vax135!petsd!moncol!john	...!princeton!moncol!john
Silly Quote:
		"Everybody knows in the second life,
		    We all come back sooner or later.
		 As anything from a pussy cat,
		    To a man-eating alligator."

lauren@vortex.UUCP (Lauren Weinstein) (02/27/85)

"Zero-Zero Island" is where "Colonel Bleep" (and his pals Squeak
(a puppet) and Scratch (a caveman) lived.  "The Kid From Outer
Space" was something else entirely.


spector@acf4.UUCP (David HM Spector) (02/27/85)

I was waiting for someone to mention this 'toon.  I think it was some
thing like  "Dodo The Kid from Outer Space".  I don't remember much about
it, except that it was on around the same time as Gigantorr...

			Dave Spector
			NYU/acf Systems Group

barmar@mit-eddie.UUCP (Barry Margolin) (02/28/85)

Ah, yes!  "Dodo, the kid from outer space."  I haven't thought about
that one for a LONG time.  Lauren is correct, of course, Dodo did not
live on Zero-Zero Island; I think that show was contemporary with it,
though (it's hard to remember, my age was still in the single digits at
the time).

I think I may be able to remember some of the theme song:

Dodo, the kid from outer space.
Dodo, who can go-go anyplace.
With antennas on his ear,
Propellors on his feet,
He's a supersonic kid from outer space.

I'm sure it isn't quite correct, but that's the best I can do.
    Barry Margolin
    ARPA: barmar@MIT-Multics
    UUCP: ..!genrad!mit-eddie!barmar

9222wl@hou2a.UUCP (W.LEE) (03/02/85)

OOOH!  I just remembered "Marine Boy"!  His father was a scientist who
worked in an undersea lab.  Marine was able to fight crime without
any breathing aparatus at all!  Anyone else know more?

It's Marine Boy
Brave and free,
Fighting evil,
'Neath the sea!

Diane Wilkerson  (They tell me you can get here now so the path is ...)
{allegra, hou2a,ihnp4}!hopd4!dvw   (which is not the account I'm sending from!!)

lauren@vortex.UUCP (Lauren Weinstein) (03/04/85)

Marine Boy, huh?


It's ... Mar-ine ... Boy.
Brave and Free.
Fighting e-vil, 'neath the sea?

He is a boy, 
A very special boy.
Powered by propeller shoes

On his friendly dolphin's back,

In a flash,
He'll foil the foe.
With a quick, boomerang throw.

Loyal friend of the sea to the end,
Is our, Marine Boy.


I can't fill in the missing spots unless I dig up my theme tape
(it's on there, I think).  Then there was "Prince Planet," of about
the same vintage:


No one can compare,
To the prince who wears,
A medallian on his chest!

Changing wrong to right!
Putting up a fight.
Prince Planet he's the best...


Or how about "The Amazing Three"?:


Spacemen, with a mission.
You must make a very big decision.
With your solar bomb you could destroy us,
Or save the world,
Or save the world...


reza@ihuxb.UUCP (Reza Taheri) (03/05/85)

> OOOH!  I just remembered "Marine Boy"!  His father was a scientist who
> worked in an undersea lab.  Marine was able to fight crime without
> any breathing aparatus at all!  Anyone else know more?
> It's Marine Boy
> Brave and free,
> Fighting evil,
> 'Neath the sea!
> Diane Wilkerson  (They tell me you can get here now so the path is ...)
> {allegra, hou2a,ihnp4}!hopd4!dvw   (which is not the account I'm sending from!!)

   Yes, yes, YES!  Boy, remembering all these old cartoons is something!
What was really fascinating was Marine Boy's relationship with Marine
Girl (?).  It was very obvious they were sweethearts, yet there was
never any explicit mention of it.  (Either that, or I am more perverted
than most people think).

The question is, "ARE YOU right for grape nuts?"

H. Reza Taheri

ron@brl-tgr.ARPA (Ron Natalie <ron>) (03/05/85)

> OOOH!  I just remembered "Marine Boy"!  His father was a scientist who
> worked in an undersea lab.  Marine was able to fight crime without
> any breathing aparatus at all!  Anyone else know more?
> It's Marine Boy
> Brave and free,
> Fighting evil,

  under the sea!

With a flash, he'll foil his foe,
with a quick, boomerang throw,
Loyal friend to the sea to the end,
is our Marine Boy.

Oh oh oh oh....

What allowed him to stay under water was "Oxygum."
