[net.chess] New book on Shogi

bill@dual.UUCP (Bill Kanawyer) (03/27/84)

The Ishi Press has just published a new book:

    Shogi for Beginners
    by John Fairbairn

    For those of you unaware Shogi is the asian form of chess. It differs
from chess in that the board is a 9 by 9 matrix, pieces promote differently
and, most interesting of all, pieces captured can be returned to the board!

    This is the best source of information that I have seen on the subject
of shogi. I strongly recomend it.

    The following is taken from the jacket liner and is written by the author:

    "This book is a much expanded edition of the booklet 'How to Play Shogi'
published in 1979 by The Shogi Association. It was prepared in responce to
the need for an accurate description of shogi in English. Shogi has in the
past been poorly served in the western literature, most writers relying on
whimsy rather than knowledge and happy th copy each other's mistakes."

    John Fairbairn is a professional journalist and translator. He has
translated go books for the Ishi Press and shogi books for Sankaido Ltd.
He is an expert on all Japanese games.

    The Shogi Association is a branch of the Japan Shogi Federation
(Nihon Shogi Renmei). It provides books, magazines, and equipment to players
thoughout the world and organises tournaments. Its address is:

The Shogi Association
PO Box 77
Bromley, Kent UK.

    The Ishi Press can supply a catalog of books and equipment upon request
free of charge, by writing:

The Ishi Press, Inc.
CPO Box 2126
Toyko, Japan

    If you have any questions feel free to write me.

Bill Kanawyer