[net.tv] Meta-humor and An episode of Moonlighting...

EV9@PSUVMA.BITNET (03/15/86)

Speaking of Meta-humor, and speaking of Moonlighting; did anyone
catch the Christams show?...
Going toward the end of the hour, Maddie makes a comment something to
the effect of how they have to have to solve the case soon...
Dave replies "Because there's only 13 minutes left in the episode?"
(Quickly lost in the patter between the two, as many quips are, which
actually keeps even the re-runs entertaining -- You can pick up many
previously "lost" bits of conversation that way!)
Coincidentally, excluding commercials, there was approx. this much
time left in 'Moonlighting'...
Also, at the very end of the episode, the viewer notes that there
is more time left than is normally left after the episode ends...
Well, Maddie and Dave walk out of the office, and make a few comments
about the setting, etc., and David ponders "Could this be the Christmas
episode?" Maddie responds "No--Can't be--there's no..." (snow begins--
INSIDE THE BUILDING!!!) "...snow...*" They walk on, apparently stunned
by this... They actually begin walking behind the scenes , and the camera
follows then, as they join the cast, crew, and all the people that really
make the show work in singing "Silent Night" (or something--i forget the
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