[net.audio] Square vs. sine waves

wildman (11/22/82)

rabbit!jj has suggested to me in a private communication that the
difference between the square and sine wave sound probably arises from
the transducer.  Acording to him, some odd magnetic and physical distortion
mechanisms often result in SUB-harmonics, i.e. Freq/N rather than Freq x N,
if the signal to be reproduced has near-discontinuities, i.e. the edges of
a square wave.  He declined to describe the mechanisms that produce the 
effects, saying that they were counter-intuitive and would merely be
misunderstood on the net.  
It is, he suspects, the lower frequencies generated by the non-linear 
transduction of the signal that causes the difference in sound.
I am posting this because he refuses to post anything to net.audio.