[net.audio] Cartridges Wear Out?

bsk (12/02/82)

  I was visiting my local Stereo Equipment Pusher and was told that

  "Sure, cartridges wear out after about two years.  (Of course, the stylus
   must be replaced every year.)  The cartriges themselves - well, actually
   the little magnets that generate the signals - loose their strength."

  (I'm sure ya'all recognize the SE Pusher speaking pattern.)

  Well, what about this?  I've got an Ortofon LM 10 that I bought almost
  two years ago, and he was trying to talk me into replacing it.  (No, he
  didn't succeed.)  Still, is it expected that cartridges will "wear out"?

  B. Katz  BTL - Juniper Plaza