ark (01/02/83)
Here is a partial quote from an ad that appeared about four years ago. I think its points are well taken. See if you can identify the company. I will post the answer after the responses die down. OHM'S LAW RULES O.K. It is fashionable in avant-garde hi-fi circles to abandon the precepts of science and to endow equipment with personality. Fortunately the electrons which whiz through the circuitry of your equipment are not conversant with fashion: if they were they'd probably die laughing and we'd have H.I.D. (hysteria induced distortion) to add to T.I.D., T.P.D., B.L.T., and sundry other initial ailments which supposedly afflict your equipment. As it is, they behave predictably whatever others might wish to believe. At ---- we apply the rules, rigorously, which largely explains why our products withstand the test of time. I believe this company's products are generally well respected in audiophile circles.