mat (12/22/82)
I may be paranoid, but if I were using a ZEROSTAT - type device I would be very careful not to point it in the general direction of my phono cartridge, wiring, etc. Does anyone know if there is really a problem, or is this just an old boogeyman going Snap-Crackle-Pop in the night?
lmg (12/22/82)
I already DID point a Zerostat(tm) at my phono cartridge, and fired it at close range. If it had any deleterious effects, my tin ears have been unable to detect them. Larry Geary Bell Labs, Holmdel ...npois!houxi!hosbc!lmg
tests (01/10/83)
For those of you who want to see static electricity in action, spray a Zerostat pistol at soap bubbles in the air. You can demonstrate electrostatic attraction, repulsion, etc., etc., and maybe even liven up a party if it's a real disaster.