[net.audio] Need a Cassette Recorder/Player

sigurd@uiucuxc.UUCP (07/02/83)

uiucuxc!sigurd    Jul  1 18:16:00 1983

I don't know if you are aware of this or not, but personal computers tend
to be fairly sensitive as to the quality of the cassette player that is 
being used. I presently have a pirated version of an Apple that I tried to
integrate with an Aiwa walkman. The result was dissapointing.  What
happenned was that no information was able to be read from the complementary
tapes that I had received with my 'Orange' PC.  After asking around, I
learned that the 'cheaper' the tape player, the better. The reason?  Well,
most of the walkmans on the market today have built in Dolby and/or a 
noise reduction systems of some sort. Unfortunately, this manages to reduce
many of the frequencies that are essential to the retreival as well as the
storage of information.  Another problem that I would watch out for is
the fact that you are talking about stereo players.  This too could have had
something to do with the problem.  Anyway, the way we solved our problem
was to hook up an old Mono Panasonic tape recorder that is doing the job 
quite well. Good luck on your venture and if you do find a winning com-
bination, please post it in notes. I would like to hear what you discovered.
