[net.chess] number-cruncher vs. the world

mclure%sri-prism@sri-unix.UUCP (09/06/84)

The Vote Tally
The winner is: 10 ... Nd4 (N-Q5)

A total of 18 moves were cast.

The Machine Moves
	Depth	Move	Time for search		Nodes	   Machine's Estimate
	8 ply	Be2    5 hours, 5 minutes    1.83x10^7           +=

	        Humans			  Move        # Votes
	BR ** -- BQ BK BB -- BR	      10 ... Nd4       14
	** BP ** -- ** BP BP BP	      10 ... Rb8	2
	BP ** -- BP -- BN -- **	      10 ... Na7	2
	** -- ** WP BP -- ** --	   
	-- ** -- BN WP ** BB **	   
	** -- ** -- ** WN ** --
	WP WP -- ** WB WP WP WP
	WR WN WB WQ WR -- WK --
	     Prestige 8-ply

The machine still thinks it is ahead positionally. Its evaluation 
is hovering at 13% of a pawn.

The Game So Far
1. e4  (P-K4)   c5 (P-QB4)	11. Be2 (B-K2)
2. Nf3 (N-KB3)  d6 (P-Q3)
3. Bb5+(B-N5ch) Nc6 (N-QB3)
4. o-o (O-O)    Bd7 (B-Q2)
5. c3  (P-QB3)  Nf6 (N-KB3)
6. Re1  (R-K1)  a6  (P-QR3)
7. Bf1  (B-KB1) e5  (P-K4)
8. d4   (P-Q4)  cxd4 (PXP)
9. cxd4 (PXP)   Bg4  (B-N5)
10. d5   (P-Q5)  Nd4  (N-Q5)

There was no significant commentary.

    Your move, please?

	Replies to Arpanet: mclure@sri-unix or Usenet: sri-unix!mclure.
	DO NOT SEND REPLIES TO THE ENTIRE LIST! Just send them to one of
	the above addresses.

mclure%sri-prism@sri-unix.UUCP (09/17/84)

The Vote Tally
The winner is: 11 ... Nxe2 (NxB).

A total of 11 moves were cast.

The Machine Moves
	Depth	Move	Time for search		Nodes	   Machine's Estimate
	8 ply	Qxe2    5 hours, 43 minutes    2.06x10^7           +=

	        Humans			  Move        # Votes
	BR ** -- BQ BK BB -- BR	      11 ... Nxe2       7
	** BP ** -- ** BP BP BP	      11 ... Nxf3       1
	BP ** -- BP -- BN -- **	      11 ... b5         1
	** -- ** WP BP -- ** --	      11 ... Nxe4       1
	-- ** -- ** WP ** BB **	      11 ... Qb6        1
	** -- ** -- ** WN ** --
	WP WP -- ** WQ WP WP WP
	WR WN WB -- WR -- WK --
	     Prestige 8-ply

The machine still thinks it is ahead positionally. Its evaluation 
dropped from 13% of a pawn to 8% of a pawn.

The Game So Far
1. e4  (P-K4)   c5 (P-QB4)	11. Be2 (B-K2)  Nxe2 (NxB)
2. Nf3 (N-KB3)  d6 (P-Q3)       12. Qxe2 (QxN)
3. Bb5+(B-N5ch) Nc6 (N-QB3)
4. o-o (O-O)    Bd7 (B-Q2)
5. c3  (P-QB3)  Nf6 (N-KB3)
6. Re1  (R-K1)  a6  (P-QR3)
7. Bf1  (B-KB1) e5  (P-K4)
8. d4   (P-Q4)  cxd4 (PXP)
9. cxd4 (PXP)   Bg4  (B-N5)
10. d5   (P-Q5)  Nd4  (N-Q5)


     I vote for NxN rather than NxB because White's king bishop is a bad
    bishop (as is Black's).  We would rather give up our, heretofore, inactive
    queen's knight for White's active king knight rather than his KB which is
    hampered by his own pawns.  If white replies BXN (likely), then Q-Q2 would
    be a better reply than BXB because the Queen can cause more damage on
    White's vulnerable light squares.


    Please put avg@diablo on the list for this game.
 I vote 11 .... Nxe2.
 Move 11 looks obvious, but what should our plan be for the future?
 White has the Q-side, so our chances lie on the K-side and the theme is
 to attack the base of White's pawn chain with f5.
 Two development plans are:
 (A) Be7 and retreat Bd7 if the bishop is kicked.  Then O-O and Ne8, preparing
    f5.  This keeps our d-pawn well guarded, but offers little scope for the
    B on e7.  Also, White can capture exf5 and gain e4 for a knight, leaning
    on the d-pawn.  We might play g6 before f5 so we can recapture gxf5.
 (B) Like (A), but retreat Bh5 if the bishop is kicked with h3.  This may
    well provoke g4, inhibiting our f5.
 (C) g6 and Bg7 and retreat Bd7 if the bishop is kicked.  Then O-O and Ne8 or
    Na5, preparing for f5.  Now if exf5, we have gxf5, with control of e4 and
    a mobile pawn center; thus White is unlikely to capture exf5.  The
    drawbacks are the weakness of the d-pawn and the pin after Bg5.
  I would favor (C) against a person because it is more active.
  I dont think White can build enough pressure on the
  d-pawn to cause serious problems.  If Bg5 h6, Bh4 we can break the pin
  at the right moment with g5 and get in f5 soon after.  This furthers our
  overall plan of a King-side attack.
  However against a computer, (A) is probably better.  Without any obvious
  targets, the computer may have trouble forming a plan.  Meanwhile we can
  prepare quietly for f5.
  (B) maintains a pin, but I dont see any value in the pin for us, and dont
  care to provoke g4.


  11 ... Nxe2 is the only sensible move.

  White's Be2 is just a set up for possible 12 Nxd4 and threatening with Bxf4.
 for the same reason, Black can't 11 ...  Nxe4.  I thought White's 10 d5
 was too conservative, this move took the most of the pressure off King
 file.  If 10 Be2 ...  Black would be forced to retreat the lone bishop
 else stand a chance of either losing it or King's pawn.  I am willing
 to agree with Prestige that the current position does favor the White,
 since Black's attack seem to be stalling.

    Your move, please?

	Replies to Arpanet: mclure@sri-prism or
	Usenet: ucbvax!menlo70!sri-unix!sri-prism!mclure

mclure%Sri-Unix@sri-unix.UUCP (09/18/84)

The Vote Tally
The winner is: 12 ... Be7 (B-K2).

A total of 13 moves were cast.

The Machine Moves
	Depth	Move	Time for search		Nodes	   Machine's Estimate
	8 ply	Nc3       ~17 hours           ~6.1x10^7           -=

	        Humans			  Move        # Votes
	BR ** -- BQ BK ** -- BR	      12 ... Be7	11
	** BP ** -- BB BP BP BP	      12 ... g6		2
	BP ** -- BP -- BN -- **
	** -- ** WP BP -- ** --	
	-- ** -- ** WP ** BB **	
	** -- WN -- ** WN ** --
	WP WP -- ** WQ WP WP WP
	WR -- WB -- WR -- WK --
	     Prestige 8-ply

    The machine's evaluation turned from positive to negative.  It now
thinks it is 3% of a pawn behind.

    My personal opinion is that this is an ideal position to have
against a computer.  There are little or no tactics involved and a
clear strategic plan for Black is f5.

The Game So Far
1. e4  (P-K4)   c5 (P-QB4)	11. Be2 (B-K2)  Nxe2 (NxB)
2. Nf3 (N-KB3)  d6 (P-Q3)       12. Qxe2 (QxN)  Be7 (B-K2)
3. Bb5+(B-N5ch) Nc6 (N-QB3)	13. Nc3 (N-QB3)
4. o-o (O-O)    Bd7 (B-Q2)
5. c3  (P-QB3)  Nf6 (N-KB3)
6. Re1  (R-K1)  a6  (P-QR3)
7. Bf1  (B-KB1) e5  (P-K4)
8. d4   (P-Q4)  cxd4 (PXP)
9. cxd4 (PXP)   Bg4  (B-N5)
10. d5   (P-Q5)  Nd4  (N-Q5)


    I vote for 12 ... B-K2.

    This freezes W out of the K side (since 13 B-KN5 NxQP wins us a quick
    P) and allows us to build up an attack there.  We outnumber W 3 pieces
    to 1 on the K side, so we want that area to be the focus of the
    midgame.  After O-O and moving our KN we have a powerful attack in
    P-KB4, while W will have a hard time exploiting the open QB file and
    the weakness of our QP.


    I vote for 12 ... Be7.
    It is time to complete the development.  Plan to do 0-0 next.


   I think it's about time Black castles, so how about 12. ... Be7 first?

    Your move, please?

	Replies to Arpanet: mclure@sri-prism, mclure@sri-unix or
	Usenet: ucbvax!menlo70!sri-unix!sri-prism!mclure