mclure%sri-prism@sri-unix.UUCP (09/23/84)
The Vote Tally -------------- The winner is: 13 ... O-O There were 17 votes, all except one for Castles. The lone hold-out voted for Qa5 (Q-QR4). The Machine Moves ----------------- Depth Move Time for search Nodes Machine's Estimate 8 ply Be3 9 hrs, 48 mins 3.5x10^7 -= (B-K3) Humans Move # Votes BR ** -- BQ ** BR BK ** 13 ... O-O 16 ** BP ** -- BB BP BP BP 13 ... Qa5 1 BP ** -- BP -- BN -- ** ** -- ** WP BP -- ** -- -- ** -- ** WP ** BB ** ** -- WN -- WB WN ** -- WP WP -- ** WQ WP WP WP WR -- ** -- WR -- WK -- Prestige 8-ply I showed this game to a master who works here at SRI. He said that Black has played much the better game and has good prospects. Congratulations humans! The Game So Far --------------- 1. e4 (P-K4) c5 (P-QB4) 11. Be2 (B-K2) Nxe2 (NxB) 2. Nf3 (N-KB3) d6 (P-Q3) 12. Qxe2 (QxN) Be7 (B-K2) 3. Bb5+(B-N5ch) Nc6 (N-QB3) 13. Nc3 (N-QB3) O-O (O-O) 4. o-o (O-O) Bd7 (B-Q2) 14. Be3 (B-K3) 5. c3 (P-QB3) Nf6 (N-KB3) 6. Re1 (R-K1) a6 (P-QR3) 7. Bf1 (B-KB1) e5 (P-K4) 8. d4 (P-Q4) cxd4 (PXP) 9. cxd4 (PXP) Bg4 (B-N5) 10. d5 (P-Q5) Nd4 (N-Q5) Commentary ---------- TLI@USC-ECLB Yeah, it's time to castle all right. 13 ... O-O. Some other interesting thoughts: 14 ... Qd7, preparing for 15 ... Bh3 (this is for those unsubtle of mind and thought). How about 14 ... Nh5, 15 ... Nf4, 16 Pg3 Nh3. Well, light on the strategy and heavy on the arrogance, but definitely interesting. Solicitation ------------ Your move, please? Replies to Arpanet: mclure@sri-prism, mclure@sri-unix or Usenet: ucbvax!menlo70!sri-unix!sri-prism!mclure