tynor@uiucuxc.UUCP (12/17/83)
#N:uiucuxc:18500012:000:710 uiucuxc!tynor Dec 16 11:31:00 1983 Well the end of my college career approaches, and with it the end of the use of my roomate's Apt Holman pre-amp. What pre-amps are there out there for under $5-600 that will do the job. I like the Apt very much, but find the discrete volume control (individual resistors) a little restricting (especially when listening over headphones). I own a dbx 3BX, a cassette deck and an open reel, so switching facilities are a must. Also, I plan on purchasing a Talisman moving coil (since my other roomate insists on taking his Denon...) and will need a step-up transformer. Is it wise to look for a pre-amp with a moving coil section, or should I by separates? steve