pmr@drutx.UUCP (Rastocny) (04/18/84)
The hologram works, but I personally don't like the compromises. Stereophony should be more than a one-listener fixed-position experience. Also, the fidelity of the hologram leaves a bit to be desired. I know I've said good things about Carver in the past but this is one gadget he can keep. As far as the electrostats go, I generally prefer their sound to that of dynamic drivers. If I were you, I'd get the electrostats, sell the hologram, and buy a better preamp with the money. Please note that these are my opinions and not that of my employer. Yours for higher fidelity, Phil Rastocny AT&T-ISL ..!drufl!pmr
nowicki@uiuccsb.UUCP (04/26/84)
#N:uiuccsb:5700034:000:524 uiuccsb!nowicki Apr 12 23:57:00 1984 When I bought my carver preamp, I was told that the hologram will not work on omnidirectional speakers or electro-statics. I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried such an arrangement. I currently have a set of DCM timewindows which are somewhat omnidirectional and the hologram works great. I did however, get a better hologram effect with a set of M&K's. I ask this because I'm considering a purchase of a pair of electro-statics. Any comments would be appreciated. -Tony Nowicki {decvax|inuxc}!pur-ee!uiucdcs!nowicki