[net.audio] The Record Cleaning Solution!

tynor@uiucuxc.UUCP (04/27/84)

uiucuxc!tynor    Apr 27 12:32:00 1984

    Buy a LAST kit.  This 'record perservative' is the most amazing
record care product on the market.  It has a special solvent that
actually removes the gruve (sp?) release compund that is on *every*
vinal disc produced.  The result: remarkably cleaner sound, less
distortion, improved midrange frequency response, and a longer
LASTing (sorry) record. 
    I LAST all of my records before I play them.  The treatment
lasts about 100 plays.  LAST can also do wonders on older albums
that are showing excessive ticks and pops. (A roomate had a favorite
copy of the Nautilis Fleetwood Mac- Rumours.  It was accidentaly
dropped on a slightly dirty carpet.  The album was trashed... We tried
every record cleaning method we knew, but still the album had severe
noise problems.  Then I discovered LAST.  The album now sounds
'as good as new.'

    Normal cleaners like Discwasher D4 may be used for daily care,
the LAST need only be applied once every 100 plays.  
	Steve Tynor    
             University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana

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