[net.chess] delphi 21


From:  Allen Van Gelder <VANGELDER@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

I vote 21. ... gxf5

As BONO pointed out at move 19, we need to beware of a venomous trap
after the apparently defensive 22. Bd2.  E.g., 22. ... Bf6 23. Qa3 Ra8
24. Ba5 Qb8?? 25. Nxe5! Oh no! Deja vu.  Or 24. ... Qe7 25. Nh5 Ng7
26. Nxf6 Rxf6?? 27. Nxe5!  Or 26. ... Qxf6 27. Bb4 Ne8? 28. Nxe5!

White also gets good mileage out of 22. ... Nf6 23. Ng5.

The solution is to prevent Qa3 and Ba5 with 22. Bd2 a5!  This is tactically
justified by 23. Qa3 b4 24. Qb3 Bf6.  Now if 25. a3 a4! 26. Qd1 b3
keeping the Q-side at bay.  If 25. Nh5 Rg8 keeps g5 under our control.

As I mentioned in a previous note, 22. Nh5 Nf6 23. Nxf6 Bxf6 looks good
for us.