mclure%sri-prism@sri-unix.UUCP (09/13/84)
I was reading a newspaper yesterday and was surprised to see that the first game in the Kasparov/Karpov world championship match had been played. It was a draw, but an interesting draw because Karpov as White used an ultra-aggressive variation against Kasparov's Sicilian. If he continues to play this aggressively, he is going to run into the tactical bulldozer for which Kasparov is famous. I don't have the game score handy. If someone has these games on-line somewhere, I think members of this list would appreciate seeing them here. Although most people I've heard think Karpov will win, I think Kasparov will unseat Karpov in some smashing attacks. I want to see the icy Olympian calm of Karpov disturbed somewhat. Stuart
mclure%sri-unix@sri-unix.UUCP (10/29/84)
Has anyone heard more about the match? I heard that Kasparov has drawn 8 times in a row now. Before, apparently, he had been vomiting at the chess-board and I mean that literally. He was sick. Why they didn't postpone it indefinitely, I don't know. Eight draws should give Kasparov some confidence. A win would be better. Stuart