[net.audio] CDism and square waves

charles@sunybcs.UUCP (06/26/84)

Subject: CDs and square waves
Newsgroups: net.auddio
Distribution: net.audio

For all of those out there who insist upon praising CDism and
their (non)square waves by relying on the FFT sine-wave generation
approach have missed something intrinsic in their approach.
This method will produce a 'square' wave with maximal distortion
at the points of the square, not a uniformly decaying sine wave
So... for the sake of arguement... lets say that your arguements
are correct and I am wrong.
This leads to the FACT thay you are not explaining the type
of error that is shown in 'Audio' and their ever-present
oscilloscope tests at 1KHz.
In fact, you are predicting an entirely different kind of error.
                                    Charles E. Pearson

UUCP:		{allegra, seismo}!rochester!rocksvax!sunybcs!charles
ARPA & CSNET:	charles.buffalo@rand-relay
Physical:       University Computing Services
                4250 Ridge Lea Road
                room 28
		SUNY Center at Buffalo
		Amherst, NY  14226

Have a Nice Day.

jj@rabbit.UUCP (06/29/84)

<There's no point in arguing with a child who's having a temper tantrum.>

I was going to stay out of this one, but... (Sorry, folks)

Please, Mr. Pearson, I don't know where and what you get your
alledged information from, but the kind of "tails" you see
on the "not-square-waves" in Audio Mag, and elsewhere are
BLOODY WELL EXACTLY what's predicted, to about 3 more decimal
places than I can explain, given the nature of the analog
desampling filters.

<1964, by the Tremelo's.  Find the title.  Take the advice.>
"Don't let it be forgot,
that once there was a spot..."
