ken@alice.UUCP (Ken Thompson) (12/28/84)
white: Kasparov black: Karpov event: World Championship 1984 result: adjourned 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. Nc3 Be7 5. Bg5 h6 6. Bh4 O-O 7. e3 b6 8. Be2 Bb7 9. Rc1 d:c4 10. B:c4 Nbd7 11. O-O c5 12. d:c5 N:c5 13. Qe2 a6 14. Rfd1 Qe8 15. Ne5 b5 16. N:b5 a:b5 17. B:b5 Ba6 18. R:c5 B:c5 19. B:a6 Qa4 20. B:f6 g:f6 21. Bb5 Q:a2 22. Nd7 Be7 23. Qg4+ Kh8 24. N:f8 B:f8 25. Qf3 Be7 26. Bc4 Qa7 27. Qh5 Kg7 28. Qg4+ Kf8 29. Bf1 Rd8 30. Rc1 Qb8 31. Rc2 f5 32. Qe2 Kg7 33. g3 Rc8 34. h3 R:c2 35. Q:c2 Bf6 36. b3 Qb4 37. Qd1 Qc3 38. Kg2 Qc6+ 39. Kh2 Qc5 40. Be2 Be7 41. Kg2 Match is decided by first player to get six wins. Draws don't count. Karpov: 5 Kasparov: 1
ken@alice.UUCP (Ken Thompson) (12/29/84)
result: +-+ opening: D58/11 09 Rc1 drawn without resuming play. Match is decided by first player to get six wins. Draws don't count. Karpov: 5 Kasparov: 1
hitech@cmu-cs-vlsi.ARPA (HiTech) (12/30/84)
Looks as if Kasparov missed another win in game 36. On move 23 instead of Nd7 he could have played Qg4+. Now black must reply Kh8, as Kh7 allows 24. Nd7, Be7, 25. Nxf6+, Bxf6, 26. Bd3+, Kh8, 27. Qe4 and mates. Now 24. Qf4!, fxe5 (forced as if Kg7, Ng4 wins). 25. Qxh6+, Kg8, 26. Qg5+, Kh7 (forced as if Kh8, then Qxe5+ and Qxc5), 27. Bd3+, f5, 28. Bc4!, Qa1 (if Qa7, then 29. Bxe6 when there is no effective defense to Bxf5+ winning more material and ending up substantially ahead). 29. Qh5+! (not Rxa1 when black gets too much play), Kg7, 30. g3!!, Qa7, 31. Bxe6 and wins. I'm sure Robert Byrne won't find this line to publish in the NYT. Remember you saw it here first.