bill@hpfcms.UUCP (bill) (05/23/85)
All right - what's the scoop?! A while back I posted a general query about the quality of Denon tapes as compared with other tapes. I got a couple of replies indicating that the Maxell XL-IIS was better-quality tape then the Denon DX8, even though the Denon sounds good. Well, yesterday I heard from a favorite audio dealer of mine that Denon and Maxell are both owned by Hitachi, and that Maxell is their lower line of tapes, and Denon is their top-of-the-line. (By the way, this dealer prefers to sell the Denon tapes because of "piracy" in the Maxell line). So what's the scoop? Can anybody verify this? How 'bout some more opinions about which is better? Is there a tape that's better than both Maxell and Denon? Bill Gates