[net.chess] Curious analysis by Horowitz/Rothenberg

lab@qubix.UUCP (Q-Bick) (08/18/85)

Chess books are seemingly immortal. Someone recently passed along
Horowitz & Rothenberg's _The Complete Book of Chess_ (originally _The
Personality of Chess_) of 1963 vintage. Going through their section on
positions where a player had a won game but blew it, they have
[Diagram #10, Capa (WHITE) vs. Thomas (black)]:
	- R - * r q - k
	* - p - * - p -		"Here Capa played Q-R8 and Thomas resigned!
	Q * - p - * P p		 Thomas' action seems to be justified as he
	* - * - * - * -		 apparently has no adequate defense against
	- * - * P * - *		 the following RxR.
	* - * - * - * -		"But all is not what it seems. Black can
	P * r * - * P P		 emerge with at least a draw! He should
	* R * - * - K -		 have replied ... RxRP! netting a Pawn."

IF THE DIAGRAM IS ACCURATE (note that the White King cannot move to KB2,
and that the Black Queen can go to her KB7), then H&R have blundered
twice on the same diagram.  See for yourself: After Q-R8, ... Q-B7+
would be much more effective, as Black mates next move! Even if White's
Pawn on K4 were not there, Black still has the superior ... RxR!
threatening RxQ and RxR mate! With his QR2 occupied and Black's Rook on
QB7 eying the back rank, White cannot parry both threats.

Horowitz and Rothenberg continue: "Curiously, Capa did miss a forced
win in the diagrammed position.
	1 RxR	QxR
	2 Q-R4
"The simultaneous attack on Queen and Rook nets a Rook. White Queen is
immune on account of mate."

Again, if the diagram is accurate ... Q-B7+ is still valid. That aside,
... R-B8+ still leaves Black with Queen for Rook.

It is not like H&R to do this. The two of them together aren't *that*
blind. And I seriously doubt Capa would overlook such an obvious mate
threat.  Unlike the other diagrams in this chapter, neither place nor
date is given. Can anyone provide a correct diagram? [Like maybe putting
a piece on White's KB3?]
		The Ice Floe of the Q-Bick

You can't settle the issue until you settle how to settle the issue.