[ont.general] non-mathematical compiler book: order now

geoff (08/05/82)

Anton Aylward of HCR will be able to obtain copies of Understanding &
Writing Compilers by Richard Bornat in the MacMillan Computer Science
Series (the folks who brought you Fundamentals of Operating Systems by
A.M. Lister).  Cost should be in the neighbourhood of 12 pounds.  The
book is about 400 pages and paperback.

It's the only book I've ever seen on compilers that doesn't assume a
*strong* mathematical inclination.  Unlike Gries or the dragon book,
this book isn't strewn with theorems and lemmas.  It's a pragmatic book
that walks you through all stages of compilation.  The text includes
the guts of a complete compiler for an algol-60/Pascal-like language.

Please mail your orders hcr!anton as soon as possible.

Geoff Collyer, U. of Toronto Computing Services