[ont.general] Green Dragon T-Shirts

tracy (10/04/82)

Once again, the University of Waterloo "Green Dragon" T-Shirts are in
production.  These feature a decent version of the Green Dragon (not
necessarily in green ink!) in a single colour. from the cover of Aho
and Ullman's "Principles of Compiler Design."  These were originally
produced by the University of Waterloo Computer Science Club.

We will silkscreen the Green Dragon onto most textiles for two dollars.
We do not supply any T-Shirts.  If you would like one, please cause the
appropriate fabric item and the squeeze to appear in my hands.  If
enough interest is generated, we may be able to supply t-shirts in the
future (other designs are forthcoming [hopefully]).

It is possible to have a shirt done in the original style (with the caption
"University of Waterloo / Computer Science Club".)  Our current ink colours
are black, white and gold.  We will acquire more by popular demand.

This is a relatively non-commercial venture dedicated to the propagation
of worthy t-shirt designs.  The charge will help us defray our ink and
start-up costs.

Anyone with a good idea for a t-shirt, and nothing to do with it, is
invited to get in touch with me.

Tracy Tims (. . .hcr!tracy)
Human Computing Resources Corporation,
10 St. Mary Street, Toronto, Ontario,
M4Y 1P9
(this private venture is not associated with HCR)