[ont.general] Bahamas trip for sale

tugs (01/25/83)

   I'm selling a trip to the Bahamas that I won in a contest, and I want to
sell it FAST.
   The details of the trip are as follows: it's good any time up until
the first of March. It consists of round-trip air fare for two to Nassau,
ostensiblly going on a Friday morning and returning on a Sunday evening.
Hotel accomodation for two people for two nights is included, at the
Beach Inn, Paradise Beach, Nassau.
   This does NOT include food, booze, gambling, taxi fare, submarine rental,
sexual gratification rental, or any other perversion-satiating purchase
you might wish to make.
   The trip can be extended to more than two nights for the additional
sum of about $40 per person per night. This fee goes straight to the
hotel/travel agent, and has nothing to do with me.
   The damage: I've checked out airlines to see what this is worth, and
consider myself to be giving the buyer a bargoon at $700 for the lot.
   If I've left anything out, please respond to the mailing address below,
and I'll get back to you ASAP.
	Steve Hull