[net.math] Newcomb's Paradox poll

z (05/11/82)

Replies have stopped dribbling in, so here are the results of the
Newcomb's Paradox poll:
	Box B alone		24
	Both boxes		 8
	Box A alone (?)		 1
	Vigorous abstentions	 1

The vigorous abstention said that he didn't want to have Newcomb
laughing at him.  One person chose box B alone so that he could support
his parents in the style to which they would like to become accustomed.
One person asked where he could find a computer which would make such a
deal.  Several people who chose either box B alone or both boxes
expressed disbelief that anyone could make the other choice; some were
prefaced with "Like everyone else, I'll choose...".  Box B was running
stronger at first; I got about 10 Box B replies before getting any for
both boxes.  People tended to be very strong in the expression of their

Now, if such a computer were found and it interviewed these people, it
would figure out their choices.  And when they opened their boxes a week
later, the Box B'ers would get $1,000,000, and the Both Boxers would get