[ont.general] Query: Peterborough Ice Floe Race 1984

hobbit@sunybcs.UUCP (Thomas Pellitieri) (04/04/84)

I had the great misfortune of missing this year's Ice Floe Race on April 1st.
Could somebody out there perhaps mail me a summary of this year's race?
I had attended the race the last few years and found it to be a great lot of
fun.  I would appreciate any info anyone can give me.

Thank you.

PS -- I miss the Ontanabee! (or is it Ought Not To Be?) 8-)

				-The Parker Hobbit
				 a.k.a. Thomas R. Pellitieri

UUCP:		{allegra, seismo}!rochester!rocksvax!sunybcs!hobbit
ARPA & CSNET:	hobbit.buffalo@rand-relay