cjsgro@watrose.UUCP (Carlo Sgro) (01/05/86)
I would like to know if anyone can give me recommendations on weekend getaway packages in central ontario in February. More specifics: desired location: within about 2 or 3 hours drive of Kitchener; Muskoka is also OK if the place and price are *really* nice time: Friday evening to Sunday afternoon sometime in February (i.e. standard weekend package) desired cost: less than $150 for a couple desired activity: cross-country skiing nearby would be nice but not necessary purpose: for a break in the middle of a hectic term How about it? Does anyone have any experience that they can pass along? I'll summarize responses to the net. -- Carlo Sgro ...![ihnp4||decvax||allegra||clyde||utzoo]!watmath!watrose!cjsgro "ihnp4 Express: Overnight to the USA or you don't pay!"