[ont.general] VAX8600 for sale/seeking VAX780

harrison@utfyzx.UUCP (01/14/87)

Due to changing requirements we are selling a VAX 8600 with 
12 MB of memory and floating point accelerator, and wish to 
purchase a VAX 780 with 32 MB of memory and floating point 
accelerator.  These two transactions may be separate, subject 
to the conditions below.  If you are interested, reply 
electronically to the address at the end of this posting, 
or call:

    Professor George Luste
    Department of Physics
    University of Toronto

  12 Mbyte VAX 8600 CPU including:
    + 8600 QK001-UZ 8MB 120/60 node
    + KA86-AA CPU Kernel 8600 4MB (Venus) 120V
    + FP86-AA Floating Point Accelerator
    + (2) MS86BA 4MB ECC/256K/MOS 860 Expansion Memory
    + VMS 4.4 Operating System and Licence
    + various SBI and UNIBUS adapators, DD11's, etc.

  This machine was new in 1985 and has been maintained
  by DEC continuously since.  It is currently in operation. 

  It will be available Friday February 13, 1987 or later.

  VAX 11/780 including:
    + at least 32 MB memory (not necessarily DEC)
    + FP780 Floating Point Accelerator
    + 1984 or later cabinet.
    + DW780, BA11-KE, (2) DD11-DK for Unibus
    + (2) H7112-A Power supplies
    + VMS licence

  The machine must be maintained and/or upgraded by DEC to
  the current rev. level.

  The 780 must be on site at least 7 days prior to the 8600

    David Harrison, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto
    David Harrison, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Toronto