(Operator) (01/27/89)
Each year the University of Guelph Alumni Association gives out two awards to alumni whose actions or efforts make them deserving of recognition. If you know a University of Guelph graduate (Diploma, Bachelor's, Master's, or doctorate (Ph.D. or D.V.M.)) who has made outstanding contributions to country, community, or profession, please write or call Miss Rosemary Clark, Office of Alumni Affairs and Development, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ont. N1G 2W1 (519)824-4120 for a copy of the nomination form. Please specify for which award you wish to nominate someone (a brief description of the criteria for each follows). The deadline for nominations is April 1, 1989. The nominee should not be advised of the nomination. Any living University of Guelph alumnus/alumna may be considered for the awards, except members of the University of Guelph Alumni Association Board of Directors and full-time employees of the University. The nominations will be held in strictest confidence. ------- ALUMNUS OF HONOUR Recognition for an alumnus who has brought great honour to his or her Alma Mater and fellow alumni through contributions to the following: - a Canadian cause - community service - science, education, the arts, letters or humanities - business, industry or alumni affairs The Alumnus of Honour is chosen by the Honours and Awards Committee of the University of Guelph Alumni Association. The presentation is made at the Association's annual meeting during Alumni Weekend, in June. The award has been given every year since 1970. ------------ ALUMNI MEDAL OF ACHIEVEMENT This award recognizes a recent graduate (within the last 10 years) who brings distinction to his or her Alma Mater through contributions to country, community, or profession. The medal has been awarded to 11 alumni since its inception in 1972. It is presented at the annual meeting during Alumni Weekend in June. ------------ Thank you. Ruth Milner Honours and Awards Committee University of Guelph Alumni Association -- Ruth Milner UUCP - {uunet,pyramid}!utai!helios.physics!sysruth Systems Manager BITNET - sysruth@utorphys U. of Toronto INTERNET - Physics/Astronomy/CITA Computing Consortium