[ont.general] public usenet access

root@contact.UUCP (root@contact.uucp) (04/19/89)

 I've recieved several reqests for, and requests by people seeking, a public-
access usenet site. Reading this, I will assume you have one, but may be 
looking for another (one bbs is *never* enough) or know someone who is. The
following 3 numbers are a public-acces bbs. It offers free read-access to
all users, and write access to registered users. The numbers are:

(416) 752-8269 (1200/2400 - if you send a break signal)
(416) 285-6877 (1200 baud)
(416) 285-6907 (1200/2400 - if you send a break signal)

 Most news groups are supported, just ask if your favourite one is missing.
Also supported is multi-user chat across the 3 lines and localy. Public
messages and private net-mail is of course present. 

 Thanks for your time and bandwidth.