[ont.general] Sun-4/110C for sale

fred@jarvis.csri.toronto.edu (Fred Lochovsky) (07/17/89)

                   Sun-4/110C For Sale

The  Database/Office  Systems  Group  of  the  Computer   Systems
Research  Institute at the University of Toronto has a Sun-4/110C
for sale.  This is a diskless, 8 MB,  SPARC,  colour  workstation
(Sun  claims  a 7 MIPS rating).  It is approximately one year old
and under full maintenance contract from Sun.

Price: $ 22,000 (Cdn, firm).

Contact: Prof. Fred Lochovsky                    Tel.:  (416) 978-7441
         Computer Systems Research Institute     Fax:   (416) 978-4765
         10 King's College Road                  Email: fred@db.toronto.edu
         University of Toronto
         Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4