[ont.general] Need Info on Lawyers' Fees for Estate Services

23031_676@uwovax.uwo.ca (12/19/89)

Does anybody have any information on the "normal" lawyer's fees or % basis for
the work to be done in handling a very routine estate? The figure 5% has been
tossed about, yet I have heard that it is not a fixed either in law or by the
Law Society. Assume a $100,000 estate with no real complications and about
3 hours by a senior lawyer and 8 hours by an articling neophyte.
Ben Singer                                      Department of Sociology      
                                                University of Western Ontario
Singer@uwo.ca                                   London, Ontario
Singer@uwovax.bitnet                            N6A 5C2
                                                (519) 660-0671  (home)
                                                (519) 679-2111   Ext 5137