[fa.human-nets] HUMAN-NETS Digest V7 #46

daemon@ucbvax.UUCP (08/16/84)

From MCGREW@RUTGERS.ARPA  Wed Aug 15 18:41:36 1984

HUMAN-NETS Digest       Wednesday, 15 Aug 1984     Volume 7 : Issue 46

Today's Topics:
       Responses to Queries - Latitude and Longitude Encoding &
                     Hacker vs. Cracker (2 msgs),
         Computers and People - People who want mail contacts,
                          Chess - 7th move

Date: Thu 9 Aug 84 09:39:29-PDT
From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Latitude and Longitude encoding question...
To: Hodges.pa@XEROX.ARPA
Cc: Astronomy^.PA@XEROX.ARPA, Kluger.pa@XEROX.ARPA

Jon Bentley presents a case for encoding latitude and longitude
as 3-D x, y, and z coordinates in his Programming Pearls column,
CACM, February 1984.  The application involved finding, for each
of 20,000 points, the nearest neighbor in a set of 5,000 points
on the surface of a sphere.  This computation could be carried out
far faster in rectilinear coordinates than in spherical coordinates.

                                        -- Ken Laws


Date: 9 August 1984 03:21-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE @ MIT-MC>
Subject: hacker vs. cracker
Cc: wookie@ RICE

Right on.  Hackers can be bu are not necessaril crackers, and
usualy are not; crackers in general cannot be hackers, and only
in exceptional circumstances know how to hack anything.


Date: 9 August 1984 03:40-EDT
From: Jerry E. Pournelle <POURNE @ MIT-MC>
To: wookie @ RICE

A hacker is admirable.  A cracker is contemptible.  On these two
definitions hang all the Law and the Profits.
        Pournelle"s Fourth Law.


Date: 14 Aug 84 18:37 +0200
Subject: People who want mail contacts

Please forward the list below to all users of your CBMS

List of some users of the COM computer conferencing system at the QZ
University Computing Center in Stockholm, Sweden, who are interested
in communicating via mail networks with people with similar interests

To send a message to any of the people below, take the name of the
person, replace spaces with underlines, and add

+---- NAME -------+ +--- WORK --------+ +--- INTERESTS --------------+

Trevor Smith        Computers Inc.      Expert systems, multi-micros
Ingemar Joelsson    Medical Univ.       Obstetrics, Gyneology,
                                        Message systems
Roy Goodman         MacNeal-Schwendler  Teleseminars,
                                        communication design
Orjan Ekeberg NADA  Techn. Univ.        AI, Interactive programming
Arne Kannel RIT     Techn. Univ.        Synthetic fuels from biomass
Mats Ohlin Datakul  Consultant          SIMULA, The future
Bo Einarsson LIDAC  Univ. computing     Director, numerical software
Gisle Hannemyr      University          Cognitive ergonomics,
                                        multi-media CBMS
Rick Blake Essex    Comp. service       DEC-10/20, Networks, systems
Eng-Leong Foo       Medical univ.       Microbiology, biocas,
                                        nitrogen fixation
Bertil Hansson ADB  University          Computer science
Richard Friedman    Scientific consult. Supercomputers,
                                        array processors
B. Mahon            Comp. networks      Networks, human interfaces,
Bj|rn Larsen UiO    University          CBMS, LAN,
                                        Network standards, OS
Arne Franse'n  FOA1 Military Research   Operations res.
                                        Extreme values distr.
Les Hewitt  ICI UK  Computer Center     TOPS-10, VAX/VMS
Per Lindberg QZ     Univ. computing     Personal comp., OS, Simula,
                                        C, KERMIT
B.Svante Eriksson   Consultant          Comp. netw., protocols,
                                        WAN, LAN, PABX
Torbjorn Lindelof   CERN                Program libraries, games,
                                        AI, workstat.
Bj|rn O Fabricius   University          Microbiology,
                                        Microcomputer databases
Yrjoe Solantausta   Techn. research     Biomass conversion
Bjorn Danielsson    Univ. computing     TOPS-20, LISP, PROLOG
KPJ Jaakkola QZ     Univ. computing     OS, error-free software
Robert Harper       University          Nitrogen fixation,
                                        comp. conferencing
Willie Black Oxford University          Networks, TEX,
                                        high energy physics
Dennis Jennings     University          EARN, Networks,
                                        Univ. computing
Ulf Beyschlag CERN  CERN                Networking, CBMS
Kari Raiha Univ.    University          Database theory, algorithms
Bo Janzon           Military research   Terminal Ballistics,
                                        weapons effects
Gillis Een          Consultant          Food technology, Biotechnology
Petri Kutvonen      University          Comp. architecture,
                                        perf. evaluation
Paul Bemelmans UiO  University          TOPS-10/20, Photography,
Robert L. Fink      Univ. comp. center  Local networks,
                                        remote networks
B Pehrson COSYL     University          Computer system design,
Hans Eriksson Tek   Techn. university   DEC and Nord computers
Klaas Lingbeek      Agricult. univ.     TOPS-10/20, VMS, UNIX,
                                        CPM, RSX-11
Anatole Klyosov     Academy of Science  Biochemistry, Enzymes,
Tomas Baiget CIDC   University          Online systems,
                                        micros for libraries
Hans Albertsson SUF P.T.T.              VAX-11
Olle Andren SLU     Agricult. univ.     Soil microarthropod activity
Daniel Karrenberg   University          UNIX
Jacob Palme QZ      Univ. comp. center  Computer conferencing,
                                        Comp. games


Date: 11 Aug 84 2:47-PDT
From: mclure @ Sri-Unix.arpa
To: chess @ Sri-Unix, ailist @ Sri-Ai.arpa
Subject: number-cruncher vs. humans: 7th move.

The Vote Tally
Folks, the moves are in and have been tallied.
The winner is: 6 ... a6.
The runner-up was 6 ... e5.
We had a narrow mix of moves.
One person recommended the pawn stab 6 ... h5.

I made this a somewhat faster vote so only a total of 11 votes were
cast.  Please relay this message to any friends you have who might be
interested in participating.  This includes non-net people.  If you
are in a chess club, take along a copy of this message and get a group
vote from your club.

The Machine Moves
The Prestige 8-ply replied 7. Bf1 from book in 0 seconds.

                Humans                    Move   # Votes
        BR ** -- BQ BK BB -- BR         6 ... a6     5
        ** BP ** BB BP BP BP BP         6 ... e5     3
        BP ** BN BP -- BN -- **         6 ... d5     1
        ** -- BP -- ** -- ** --         6 ... e6     1
        -- ** -- ** WP ** -- **         6 ... h5     1
        ** -- WP -- ** WN ** --
        WP WP -- WP -- WP WP WP
        WR WN WB WQ WR WB WK --
             Prestige 8-ply

The Game So Far
1. e4    c5     6. Re1   a6
2. Nf3   d6     7. Bf1   ???
3. Bb5+  Nc6
4. o-o   Bd7
5. c3    Nf6

Brad Merrill, Rtillson.Merrill@DEC-MARLBORO, USCF 1902, said:

    I recommend 6 ... a6.  This will greatly restrict whites options.

    Your move, please?

        Replies to Arpanet: mclure@sri-unix or Usenet:
        sri-unix!mclure. DO NOT SEND REPLIES TO THE ENTIRE LIST! Just
        send them to one of the above addresses.


End of HUMAN-NETS Digest