human-nets@ucbvax.ARPA (04/02/85)
From: Charles McGrew (The Moderator) <Human-Nets-Request@Rutgers> HUMAN-NETS Digest Monday, 1 Apr 1985 Volume 8 : Issue 12 Today's Topics: Responses to Queries - Lap Computer Magazines & Physical Programming Environs, Computer Networks - Stargate and Common-Carriers & A Daily Electronic Newspaper, Computers and People - Questionnaire on Electronic Communication ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu 28 Mar 85 21:47:33-PST From: Doug <> Subject: Lap Computer Magazines TRULY PORTABLE: the lap computer newsletter covers the Radio Shack Model 100 and the NEC PC-8201A and other portable computers. The first issue includes a directory of software, hardware, and accessories for portable computer owners, plus a program to count the number of characters in a text file (a useful utility for a lap portable owner), a revised version of the NEC character-defining program plus the Russian alphabet, and other useful stuff. The second issue contains book reviews, info on the new NEC Starlet and the Tandy 200, programs to deal with mailing lists (print envelopes, make address stickers, etc.), a discussion of punctuation in BASIC, etc. Oh, the first issue has a program that turns the number keys into "piano" keys -- fun stuff. A subscription is $16 per year for 10 issues; a sample is $2.50 by first class mail to TRULY PORTABLE, PO Box 2916, Oakland CA 94609. Coverage will expand during 1985 to include the Epson Geneva (to be reviewed in issue #3) and the HP-110 and probably other portables. ------------------------------ Date: 22 Mar 1985 12:51:37 GMT (Friday) From: Jon McCombie <jmccombi@dca-eur> Subject: physical programming environs I have seen psychological studies that "prove" that programmers are more productive and happier in all the different types of environments: bull-pen, cubicles, semi-private offices, and private offices. The studies were commissioned by the upper-level managements of different software-producing companies, and (not so surprisingly) "prove" that the environment in effect at that company is the "best". In my experience, programmers strongly prefer private offices. I've worked in a number of different physical programming environments: large terminal room, small terminal room, semi-private office with a terminal shared with an office mate and a terminal room as a backup, a private office with a private terminal, and an environment with private terminals in "cubicles" separated by partitions. By far, the most pleasant and productive environment is the private office with private terminal. This arrangement allows social interaction when appropriate/desired: I have but to wander down the hall and poke my head in my friend's doorway. If I am concentrating and don't want to be disturbed, I close my door. This arrangement allows me to ask questions of my colleagues when needed (via e-mail or telephone or personal visit), but encourages me to look things up myself before asking/bothering someone else. The argument most often made for more open office arrangements ("bull-pen" or cubicles) is that ideas are more readily shared. This is true, but must be weighed against the sometimes significant personal dissatisfaction felt by the people working there. When I'm working, I really don't want to be disturbed by people's questions, or a discussion of what people did last Saturday night, or a discussion of software engineering (one of my favorite subjects...). I want to work. When I sit in a terminal room or in a cubicle, I invariably put on my WalkThing with the volume high enough that I can't hear what's going on around me. While this affords me some modicum of privacy, I resent having to resort to escapism. There are some who actually *prefer* to be in a bull-pen environment, though in my experience they are a rather small minority. I would be interested in hearing the reasons of someone who so prefers. Enough flamage. Further comments? ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 28-Mar-85 14:34:20 PST From: vortex!lauren@rand-unix (Lauren Weinstein) Subject: common-carriers The analogy breaks down pretty quickly. First of all, we have the fact that the courts might be completely unwilling to consider something like Stargate to have true common carrier status (since its very nature involves the broadcast of information to many parties). If such a decision were made after someone had filed suit about some message(s), the potential liability could be very high. You can't just assume that all decisions would be favorable when you don't have the financial resources to fight prolonged court battles--you have to take some steps to protect yourself in advance, as do magazines, newspapers, and the smarter BBS operators. Once again, the BBS analogies seem closer to the mark--and even the proposed California law that would give BBS's more freedom implicitly assumes that you can identify each message sender so that they can "take responsibility for their own messages." It appears that the courts view differently the case of a carrier that has as its main purpose the sending of a message from one party to another party, from one that primarily sends from one party to many parties. In the latter case, the courts seem to generally assume that "reasonable care" is taken to avoid the sending of "illegal" or "libelous" materials. In the case of no screening, if materials were being broadcast by satellite to hundreds or thousands of points 24/hrs day, the odds of a court ruling that reasonable care was not taken would seem to be quite high. --Lauren-- ------------------------------ Date: Sat 30 Mar 85 15:23:13-CST From: Werner Uhrig <CMP.WERNER@UTEXAS-20.ARPA> Subject: Ziff-Davis announces plans for daily electronic newspaper [ from the Austin American Statesman - March 30, 1985 ] Ziff-Davis Publishing Co. said Friday it will begin a daily newspaper about the computer business that will be distributed electronically to subscribers with personal computers. The COMPUTER INDUSTRY DAILY, to appear each business day beginning this summer, will cost $1,500 a year in the US. It will be distributed in Japen, Western Europe, Asia and Latin America. Reports will be delivered electronically and in hardcopy format by MCI Mail. ------------------------------ Date: 22 Mar 1985 16:19 EST (Fri) From: Deborah Estrin <ESTRIN@MIT-XX.ARPA> Subject: online questionnaire Online Questionnaire: Inter-Organization Networks Computer-based communication and resource sharing ACROSS organization boundaries are the focus of my doctoral research in the MIT Lab for Computer Science. As a test case, I am studying the effects of INTER-ORGANIZATION NETWORKS on communication among Research Laboratories. I am seeking responses to the following questionnaire. The 5 multiple-part questions are all short answer or multiple choice. And as you will see, because I am primarily interested in detecting patterns of change, the questions do NOT require ultra-detailed answers. Please do take the few minutes to respond; it takes most people between 5 and 15 minutes. All information will be treated confidentially. You may respond online (to estrin@mit-xx) by inserting your responses after each question or by numbering your responses. Or respond on paper by printing the questions double spaced and writing in or numbering your answers; send to Deborah Estrin, MIT, 545 Technology Sq, Cambridge MA, 02139. If you have responded to this questionnaire already, thank you and please ignore this duplicate. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: I refer to electronic mail, file transfer, remote login, database, and other computer-based communication mechanisms as INTER-ORGANIZATION NETWORK (ION) FACILITIES. Telephone, face-to-face meetings, and postal mail are referred to as TRADITIONAL MEDIA. EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS are government, university, or industrial laboratories outside of your company or university. 1) EXTERNAL INFORMATION AND RESOURCE SHARING: a) During an average work week, with about HOW MANY EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS do you exchange work-related information (e.g. research ideas, tools and techniques) or resources (e.g. equipment, software, data bases, computer services) VIA ION FACILITIES ? If the answer is 0, please skip to question 4. b) About HOW LONG AGO did you first begin using ION facilities to communicate with these and other external organizations? (number of months or years) c) Since you began using ION facilities, is the NUMBER OF ORGANIZATIONS with which you share information or resources less, the same, or greater than it was when you used only traditional media? d) Since you began using ION facilities, is the NUMBER OF RESEARCH PROJECTS that involve information or resource sharing with external organizations smaller, the same, or larger than it was when you used only traditional media? e) To what extent do you attribute the changes indicated in (c) and (d) to the use of ION facilities? (not at all, some, quite a bit, very much) f) Identify the individual organizations with which you exchange work related information or resources via ION facilities most intensively; select no more than 3 or 4. Assign a code letter to each one (i.e., a,b,c) and indicate whether each is a university(u), government(g), or industrial(i) lab. Bulletin boards and distribution lists do NOT qualify as organizations per se; please do not include more than one of these among the 3 or 4 organizations. 2) COMMUNICATION AND ACCESS PATTERNS: Respond to the following questions by listing each organization's code letter (assigned above) followed by the appropriate answer for that organization. a) Approximately HOW MANY people in EACH of these organization do you communicate with via ION facilities during an average work week? b) Since you began using ION facilities, is the NUMBER of people that you communicate with per organization less, the same, or greater than it was when you used only traditional media? c) HOW OFTEN do you communicate with people or machines in EACH of these organizations via ION facilities during an average work week (0 times, 1 time, 2-5 times, 6-10 times, more)? d) Since you began using ION facilities, is the FREQUENCY of communication with each of these organizations less, the same, or greater than it was when you used only traditional media? e) Since you began using ION facilities, do you communicate with each of these organizations via TRADITIONAL media less,the same,or more than you did when you used only traditional media? f) For each of these organizations, which of the following INFORMATION and RESOURCE TYPES do you exchange via ION facilities ? INFORMATION: (1)research ideas (2)research results (3)joint authorship comments (4)information for solving a particular problem (5)information about tools and techniques (6)administrative scheduling (7) Other, please specify. RESOURCES: (8)software (9)computer resources (10)remote applications (e.g.,Macsyma, VLSI tools) (11)database (12)Other, please specify. (List each organization's code letter followed by the appropriate numbers.) g) For each of these organizations, indicate if the average amount of EACH INFORMATION and RESOURCE TYPE exchanged per week is less, the same, or greater than it was when you used only traditional media. h) Since you began using ION facilities to communicate with these outside organizations, has your communication with outside organizations that are NOT accessible via ION facilities changed? Indicate if the average amount of EACH INFORMATION and RESOURCE TYPE exchanged with the non-ION organizations is less, the same, or greater. i) Which of the information and resource types do you exchange with people INSIDE your organization via internal computer facilities ? j) For each of the external organizations that you communicate with via ION facilities (identified in 1f), which of the following CLASSES of INFORMATION and RESOURCES do you exchange via ION facilities ? INFORMATION: (1)publicly available (2)available in internal documents only (3)related to unpublished research (4)related to unreleased system or product (5)proprietary (6)Other, please specify. RESOURCES: (7)widely available (8)limited (9)costly (10)critical for internal operations (12)proprietary (11)Other, please specify. k) For each of these organizations, indicate if the average amount of EACH information and resource CLASS exchanged per week is less, the same, or greater than it was when you used only traditional media. l) To what extent do you attribute the changes indicated in (b),(d),(e),(g), (h),(k) to the use of ION facilities? (not at all,some,quite a bit,very much) If appropriate, provide a separate response for each of the 6 questions (b,d, e,g,h,k). 3) CONTRACTS AND RESTRICTIONS a) What kinds of AGREEMENTS exist between your organization and each of the individuals or organizations that you communicate with via ION facilities? (none,informal,consulting contract,joint development contract,other specify) b) Indicate if these agreements differ from the agreements governing relationships that use only traditional media (no difference,more explicit conditions,more protective,more exclusive to other organizations,more open-ended or illdefined,other please specify) ? c) Indicate if any of the following factors significantly INHIBIT your using ION facilities more extensively (destinations inaccessible,inconvenient, poor performance,confidentiality of information,company policy,none, other please specify) 4) BACKGROUND: a) About HOW MANY RESEARCH PROJECTS are you working on currently that involve regular contact with persons in organizations outside of your own company/university ? b) During an average work week, with about HOW MANY EXTERNAL ORGANIZATIONS do you share work related information or resources (via either traditional or ION facilities) ? c) Which aspect(s) of research/development do you work in, primarily? (software, hardware, theory, systems, applications, other please specify) d) Which job category do you belong to, primarily? (manager,faculty, scientist, research staff, technical staff, other please specify) e) How often do you use a computer of some kind in conjunction with your work? (daily,several times a week,once a week, monthly, other, please specify) f) What is the name of your organization? (university or company name and department or laboratory name) 5) COMMENTS: If you use ION facilities in interesting ways that the above questions have not touched upon, please describe them here. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much for your time! Deborah Estrin ------------------------------ End of HUMAN-NETS Digest ************************