ARPAVAX:UNKNOWN:sf-lovers (11/07/82)
>From SFL@SRI-CSL Sun Nov 7 00:01:48 1982
SF-LOVERS Digest Sunday, 7 Nov 1982 Volume 6 : Issue 71
Today's Topics:
SF books - Yurik's RICHARD A.
SF authors - Harlan Ellison lecture
SF movies - Star Wars parody, Star Trek, Revenge of the Jedi
Date: 4 Nov 1982 0929-EST
Subject: "Richard A."
Sol Yurik's latest novel, "Richard A." definitely falls within the
science fiction spectrum. Richard A. is a wild-talent phone freak who
devises a system to tap conversations on selected phones and then tap
automatically the persons called by his subjects. He does this for
fun, but unwittingly stumbles across webs of intrigue surrounding the
Cuban Missile Crisis (the book is set in the early 60's).
Ultimately, he discovers that his role is not so accidental, and he
finds himself involved in a millenia-old struggle between two groups
manipulating history: a group of Taoists and a group of Kabbalists.
Definitely worth reading, though it leaves you a bit paranoid.
Date: 4 Nov 1982 1516-EST
From: TYG at MIT-OZ at MIT-MC
Subject: Harlan Ellison lecture
Ellison will be lecturing on Monday November 29th at the Harvard Law
Forum. 8PM, in the Ames Courtroom, Austen Hall, Harvard Law School.
It's open to the public, and there will be a charge of at most $2.50,
possibly less.
tom galloway
Date: 4 Nov 1982 0907-EST
Subject: SW Parody
That looks suspiciously like something I put on about 1.5 years ago,
+/- enhancements along the way.
BTW, if Spock really did do a core dump to McCoy, he'd better look out
for head crashes...
Date: 6 Nov 82 14:17:19 EST (Sat)
From: Speaker-To-Animals <speaker.umcp-cs@UDel-Relay>
Subject: Re: ST-TWOK
Clever, however remember that Spock was perfectly
cognizant in his old body AFTER touching McCoy. Spock
can't be in two places at the same time . . .
- Speaker
How do you know that? Maybe he dumped the Vulcan half of his
personality into McCoy's subconscious and left his Human half
(which he's always been trying to get rid of anyway) in his
own body, to be destroyed along with his body.
Hey, now that's an elegant solution. Problem is that the Vulcan side
that's left over is really not Spock. The internal conflict between
the two sides of his personality are what made Spock such an
intriguing character.
Besides, Spock wasn't in contact with McCoy long enough even for the
'Vulcan Mind Meld', much less a complete seperation and transfer of
his consciousness.
- Speaker
Date: 30 October 1982 03:01-EDT (Saturday)
From: Mijjil (Matthew Jody Lecin) <LECIN at RUTGERS>
Subject: RotJ: anyone besides me think
that it means just because the Jedi would not WANT revenge doesn't
mean they'll get some anyway?
End of SF-LOVERS Digest