lsk@fortune.UUCP (Lsk Katz) (10/08/84)
Mon Oct 8 12:59:05 PDT 1984 PLEASE POST PLEASE POST CALL FOR PAPERS Winter 1985 USENIX Technical Conference January 23-25 (Wednesday - Friday) Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Texas Abstracts due November 16, 1984 Program Chair: Program Committee: Charisse Castagnoli Tom Ferrin UCSF Steve Johnson Bell Labs Lou Katz Metron Computerware Tutorial Co-ordinator: Lewis Law Harvard Michael Tilson Alan Nemeth Prime Computer Human Computing Resources Deborah Scherrer mt Xinu Waldo Wedel NBI This conference will be slightly shorter than previous conferences, with an emphasis on sessions of a highly technical and more interactive nature. To encourage interchange between attendees and speakers, we plan to schedule panels and semi-formal workshops as well as formal papers. Suggestions for topics and speakers for these are being solicited. Because of the brevity and interactive nature of this conference, no proceedings will be published. Suggested topic areas include, but are not limited to: o Kernel enhancement, performance, real-time modifications o Networks and distributed processing o Hardware: evaluations, modifications for UNIX, design issues for support- ing UNIX o Operating systems architecture o Programming languages and environments o Mail, news, and uucp: transport systems, addressing, routing, user inter- faces, legal issues, USENET problems and solutions o Computer graphics o Applications: CAI, system management and monitoring, real-time projects, novel database systems approaches o System comparisons: 4.2BSD, System V.2, 2.9 BSD, etc. o Standards and portability: kernel, commands, library, languages o Future directions: security, standards, trends and predictions PLEASE POST PLEASE POST Abstracts of papers should explain what is new and interesting about the work and should be between 300 and 1000 words. Proposals for panels and workshops should explain the proposed thrust of the discussion and contain suggestions for at least two members. All submissions must include: Title of presentation, panel, or workshop Full name of author Institution or company U.S. mail address Network address, if available Phone number Special requirements: audio-visual, room size, etc. Schedule: Abstracts due: November 16, 1984 Notification of acceptance: December 31, 1984 Abstracts should be submitted to one of the addresses below, either by U.S. or electronic mail. Any electronic mail submissions received will be immediately acknowledged, so try again if you do not receive an acknowledg- ment. Charisse Castagnoli Teknekron Infoswitch Corp. 1784 Firman Drive Richardson, TX 75081 allegra!convex!infoswx!usenix convex!infoswx! ------- End of Forwarded Message