[net.usenix] EUUG Copenhagen FINAL programme

keld@diku.UUCP (Keld J|rn Simonsen) (08/30/85)

Technical Programme Wednesday 11 Sep
The Technical programme will run in the Auditorium (room 15)
at the Bella Center the whole Wednesday.

Registration: from 8.00 onwards, at Bella Center, Main Auditorium

09.15 - 09.35	Official Opening by the conference chairman:
		Keld Simonsen, University of Copenhagen, DK.

09.35 - 10.15	AWK as a General-Purpose Programming Language
		Brian W. Kernighan, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA.

10.15 - 10.45	Refreshments

10.45 - 11.20	The Streams facility in UNIX System V rel. 3
		Bob Duncanson, Unix Europe Ltd, GB.

11.20 - 12.15	Object Formats and Memory Management techniques in UNIX
		Martijn de Lange, ACE - Associated Computer Experts, NL.
		co-author: Hans van Someren (ACE, NL).

12.15 - 14.00	Lunch at Cafereria Nord

14.00 - 14.35	An improved UNIX Kermit file transfer program
		Barbro Malm, Helsinki University of Technology, SF.
		co-author: Johan Helsingius (Helsinki Univ. of Techn.)

14.35 - 15.15	Networking with ISO and UNIX
		Sylvain Langlois, Projet Rose, Bull, F.

15.15 - 15.45	Refreshments

15.45 - 16.20	Sendmail Now, and Its Next Generation
		Miriam Amos, Digital Equipment Corp,
		Ultrix Engineering Group, Berkeley Division, USA.

16.20 - 17.00	Remote File Systems on UNIX
		Douglas P. Kingston III, Centrum voor Wiskunde
		en Informatica, NL.

17.00 - 17.15	Pause

17.15 - 18.00	EUUG General Membership Meeting 	
		Teus Hagen, EUUG Chairman,
		ACE - Associated Computer Experts, NL.

18.00 - 19.00	Time reserved for Birds-of-a-Feather sessions.
		More information will be posted.

Technical Programme Thursday 12 Sep
The Technical programme will run in the auditorium (room 15)
at the Bella Center the whole Thursday.

09.00 - 09.35	Overview of 4.3 BSD	
		Kevin J. Dunlap, Digital Equipment Corp,
		Ultrix Engineering Group, Berkeley Division, USA.

09.35 - 10.15	The 'cat -v is dangerous' attitude is itself dangerous
		David M. Tilbrook, Imperial Software Technology, GB.

10.15 - 10.45	Refreshments

10.45 - 11.20	Recent work in UNIX Document Preparation Tools
		Brian W. Kernighan, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA.

11.20 - 12.15	Principles of Font Design for Personal Workstations
		Charles Bigelow, Stanford University, USA.

12.45 - 14.00	Lunch at Cafeteria Nord

14.00 - 14.35	Smalltalk on UNIX Systems	
		Georg A.M. Heeg, Universit\(:at Dortmund, D.

14.35 - 15.15	Comparing Modula-2
		David Billstrom, Billstrom & Neuhauser, USA.
		co-author: William Neuhauser.

15.15 - 15.45	Refreshments

15.45 - 16.20	Simula and C, a Comparison
		Georg P. Philippot, NCR Education Nordic Area, N.

16.20 - 17.15	A C++ Tutorial
		Bjarne Stroustrup, AT&T Bell Laboratories, USA.

17.30 - 19.00	Time reserved for Birds-of-a-Feather sessions.
		More information will be posted.

20.00	Conference dinner at Nimb in Tivoli

Technical Programme Friday 13 Sep

Please note: at Friday morning there are two lecture series (of four
sessions each) in parallel. One series will be held in the Auditorium,
the other series will be held in Room 18/19

Auditorium	_
09.00 - 09.35	Screen based History Substitution for the Shell	
		Mike Burrows, Churchill College, Cambridge, GB.

09.35 - 10.15	European Languages in UNIX	
		Conor Sexton, Motorola International
		Software Development Center, IRL.
Room 18/19	_
09.00 - 09.35	Error recovery for Yacc parsers,
		Julia Dain, University of Warwick, GB.

09.35 - 10.15	A Prolog description of a symmetric solution for automatic	
		error-recovery in LL(1) and LALR(1) parser generators
		Theo de Ridder, IHBO 'de Maere', NL.

_	_

10.15 - 10.45	Refreshments

Auditorium	_
10.45 - 11.20	Communications Solutions for Mainframe UNIX	
		Jim Hughes, Summit Operations, UNIX Systems
		Development Lab, Amdahl Corp, USA.

11.20 - 12.15	AT&T Presentation and Panel Session
		Jack Scanlon, Vice President,
		Computer and Workstation Systems, AT&T Technologies, USA.
Room 18/19	_
10.45 - 11.20	The COSAC X.400 Message based Network	
		Claude Kintzig, CNET, F.

11.20 - 12.15	Nottingham's experience of X.25 under 4.2BSD	
		William Armitage, University of Nottingham, GB.
_	_
12.15 - 14.00	Lunch at Cafeteria Nord

14.00 - 14.35	The ANSI Draft Standard for the C Programming Language	
Auditorium	Mike Banahan, The Instruction Set, GB.

14.35 - 15.15	Standardised Art as a Vehicle for Enhancing Market Penetration
		Mike O'Dell, Group L Corp., USA.

15.15 - 15.45	Refreshments

15.45 - 16.40	The European X/OPEN UNIX standard
		(Bull, ICL, Siemens, Olivetti, Nixdorf, Philips)
		Jacques Febvre, Bull Sems, F.

16.40 - 17.00	Closing Session

Industrial Programme Tuesday 10 Sep
The industrial programme will be run in Room 18/19.

Session leader: Carsten Reimers, Beton- og Konstruktionsinstituttet, DK.

14.00 - 15.15	Overview of the UNIX market - Fall 1985.  
		John Kiefer, President, Yates Ventures Inc, USA.

15.45 - 17.30	Advanced databases and 4th generation laguages
		for the UNIX environment.
		Skip Hawk,
		Vice President, Relational Database Systems Inc., USA.

		Distribution of UNIX software.
		Neil Urquart, Sphinx Ltd, GB.

		UNIX Applications software and portability
		between UNIX versions.
		Daniel Flickinger, CCL Datentechnik AG, Germany.

Industrial Programme Wednesday 11 Sep	
The industrial programme will be run in Room 18/19.

Morning session leader: Kim Biel-Nielsen,
SC Metric A/S, DK.

09.00 - 10.15	Development Methods for high performance
		commercial UNIX systems.
		P. J. Cameron, Plessey Microsystems Ltd., GB.

		Worknet - an intelligent way of connecting PC's and UNIX
		systems in a fully functional network.
		Peter Frenning, Altos Computer Systems A/S, DK.

10.45 - 12.00	UNIPLEX - an advanced solution to the
		integrated office of tomorrow.
		Tony Heywood, Redwood International Ltd., GB.

Afternoon Session leader: Bo Svarre Nielsen,
Hewlett Packard A/S, DK.

14.00 - 15.15	DAM+ - A database tool for UNIX and MS-DOS computers.
		Peter Gr\(/ondahl Nielsen, Danware Data ApS, DK.

		MAGIC - a 4th generation tool for the design and
		implementation of a flexible user interface.
		Henrik Lindberg, Carl Lamm System AB, S.

		AFQL - A flexible general purpose interface to RDBMS
		under UNIX.
		Poul Clarke, Data Logic Ltd., GB.

15.45 - 17.00	High resolution graphics and the UNIX environment
		- The Apollo solution.
		Steve Bonniwell, Apollo Computer A/S, DK.

		Developing advanced synchronous communications
		protocols in the UNIX environment.
		Ivan Costarov, ICCC ApS, DK.

17.15 - 18.00	The criteria for selection of UNIX training.
		Mike Southon, The Instruction Set Ltd, GB.

		The commercial relevance of X/OPEN.
		Basil Cousins, ICL, GB.

Tutorial Programme Tuesday 10 Sep
The tutorial programme will be run in Room 17, 20 and 18/19.

09.00 - 17.00	UNIX System V administration and overview
Room 17		Jim Joyce, International Technical Seminars, USA.

09.00 - 17.00	Fast Prototyping Techniques
Room 20		Rich Morin, Canta Forda Computer Lab, USA.

09.00 - 10.00	Yacc and Lex
Room 18/19	The Instruction Set Ltd, GB.

10.15 - 11.15	Writing Device Drivers
Room 18/19	The Instruction Set Ltd, GB.

11.30 - 12.30	Functions in the System V Shell
Room 18/19	The Instruction Set Ltd, GB.