tony@anucsd.OZ (Tony Sloane) (07/22/86)
(Registration form follows information.) Australian Unix-Systems User Group 1986 Winter Meeting Australian National University, Canberra September 1-2, 1986. The 1986 Winter Meeting of AUUG will be held at the Aus- tralian National University, Canberra, on Monday and Tues- day, 1 & 2, September, 1986. Local arrangements are under the direction of Peter Wishart at the Department of Computer Science, at the A.N.U. The keynote speaker will be Mike Banahan from The Instruc- tion Set in the U.K. He is on the ANSI C committee as well as being involved with the System V port of SUN NFS and the X/OPEN standard. Call for Papers Papers on subjects related to the Unix-system, or Unix- like systems are now called for. Papers relating to new developments, new applications, or new insights or research into the Unix-system are particularly requested, but tutorial and survey papers will also be very welcome. The program committee consists of Chris Campbell (chairman), Ross Nealon and Piers Lauder. Abstracts should be sent to the Chairman or one of the committee members as soon as pos- sible, preferably no later than Friday, 23 May. Completed papers are needed for reviewing by Friday, 20 June. It is requested that final versions be ready for troff formatting and publication by no later than Tuesday, August 5. Abstracts and full papers may be sent by ordinary mail to: Chris Campbell, c/- Olivetti Australia Pty Ltd, 140 William Street, Sydney 2011. [(02) 358-2655 x 466, or `chris@olisyd'] or by ACSnetwork mail to Piers Lauder [(02) 692-2824, or `piers@basser.oz'] Ross Nealon is at the University of Wollongong [(042) 27-0802, or `ross@uowcsa'] The conference is one of the best ways of sharing your Unix|- experience with others. Think seriously about presenting a paper at this conference. It would be appreciated if you indicated your intention to the program committee as early as possible. Hardware Display There will be a display of appropriate hardware and software in conjunction with the conference, and vendors/manufacturers are invited to demonstrate their pro- ducts. For more information on participating in this display, contact: Stephen Rothwell, MICA Computers, 204 Gladstone St., Fyshwick, ACT 2609. [(062) 95-6981, or `sfr@anucsd.oz' ] Registration The registration fee will be $50, with a $10 discount for AUUG members, and a further $10 discount for early registra- tion. To qualify for the early registration discount, your registration must be received and paid for by not later than Monday, 18 August. Each speaker will receive a free ticket to the conference dinner, and will be entitled to a complete remission of fees if a final version of the paper in publishable format (2- 4000 words) is received by August 5. Accommodation Accommodation will be available at Burgmann College on the University campus at the cost of $23 per night. The ANU is situated close to the centre of Canberra. Numerous motels of varying standards are within walking distance of the conference venues. Contacts Contact during the conference can be made on (062) 49-4043, or via auug@anucsd.oz for those keen on e-mail. GENERAL E-Mail Inquiries ACSnet: auug@anucsd.oz ARPA: UUCP: ...!seismo!munnari!anucsd.oz!auug Peter Wishart pjw@anucsd.oz (062) 49 3850 REGISTRATION Tony Sloane tony@anucsd.oz (062) 49 3434 ACCOMODATION Jeremy Webber jeremy@fac1.anu.oz(062) 49 2750 DISPLAY Stephen Rothwell sfr@anucsd.oz(062) 95 6981 or via snail mail ... AUUG Winter Meeting 1986 Department of Computer Science Australian National University GPO Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2601 _________________________ UNIX is a trade mark of AT&T Bell Laboratories ============================================================================= Australian UNIX-Systems Users' Group 1986 Winter Meeting, September 1-2 Australian National University Registration Form Name: ...................................................... Address: ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... Phone: ................. Network Address: .................. Organisation: .............................................. ____________________________________________________________ Fees: Registration $50 AUUG Member's Discount Subtract $10 Early Bird Registration (before 12th August) Subtract $10 .......... Dinner .......... at $30 each .......... Total (payable on arrival) .......... Please reserve accommodation for me at Burgmann College for the nights of ______________________________ at $23 per night. (Payable in advance, or one night deposit in ad- vance, balance on arrival.) Signed:.................... --------- UNIX is a trade mark of AT&T Bell Laboratories