gulka (12/05/82)
I wish to excahange my apple games with the ones that some else might have, (or copy them) some other apple games here is my list of games castle wolfenstein , gorgon, mask of the sun,marauder,tax-,man,microwave, marauder,kabul spy, apventure to atlantis, snack attack, missile comm., pyramid of doom, asteroids (2 types), world power, alien typhoon,carnival, gamma goblins, star mines, star cycle, stunt cycle,head on,airplane,apple panic,gobbler,adventure(s),star cross,galaxian, sneakers, mission impossible, ultima II,raster blaster, hi-res football, cybor strike, cranston manor space raiders,sabotage, crush crumble and chomp,aztecmagic window,captain copy,dogfight,akalbeth,falcons,wizard and princess,flight simulator,swash-buck ler,cannon ball blitz,star blazer,stonevulle manor,word game,world poewer jousting h,hockey,plus some more... write to login gulka on btl unix, n.j. gulka