terryl (12/08/82)
With all of the little known things in zork posted a while back, I finally tried to win a game, but only came very close. I got 555 points, out of a possible 560. I looked at the map, and I think I got all of the treasures, but I could be missing one. As far as I can tell, our version of the game does not have the puzzle room, but it does have the bank. Does anyone out there have a complete list of treasures one should have?? I've gotten all of the obvious ones, even the stack of zorkmids and the brass bauble. I hate to quit with only five points left!!! Just one question: does one need to somehow keep the portrait found in the bank??? I gave that to the gnome to get out of the vault. Terry Laskodi {ucb,dec}vax!teklabs!terryl (UUCP) or terryl@tektronix (CSNET) or terryl.tektronix@rand-relay (ARPA)
sjb (12/09/82)
Indeed, the portrait is a treasure. Here is my list, which has won me many 560 games: torch crown zorkmid stamp ruby bills portrait figurine bracelet diamond sword painting coffin bag of coins trident trunk violin bar statue grail chalice emerald pearl spices sphere egg canary bauble pot of gold